§ 13-23. Fire lanes for large commercial developments and multiple-family residential properties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    A "fire lane" is defined for the purposes of this section to mean any area appurtenant to entrances or exits of a building deemed necessary by the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district, to remain free and clear of parked vehicles for access to such building in case of fire or other emergency and designated as such, and may, in the discretion of the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district, include sidewalks, driveways, portions of parking lots, or any other area adjacent to or near the entrances or exits of any building.


    A "shopping center" is defined for the purposes of this section to mean a group of commercial business establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit, with off-street parking provided on the property, and related in location, size, and types of shops to the trade area that the unit serves.


    A "multiple-family residential dwelling" is defined for the purposes of this section to mean a structure or development site with more than twenty-four (24) dwelling units.


    Designation, location and maintenance of fire lanes. The Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district is hereby authorized to designate fire lanes on the property for large commercial developments and multiple-family residential dwellings, appurtenant to multiple-family residential dwellings or the entrances or exits to stores or groups of stores, where, such areas must be kept free of parked vehicles and other obstructions to provide ready access to such stores, groups of stores, or multiple-family residential dwellings, in case of fire or other emergencies. The designation by the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district of such fire lanes shall never be held to make the parish responsible for maintenance of such fire lanes on private property, but the owner of such property shall continue to be responsible for the maintenance of such area.


    Approval of fire lanes on plot plan. Plot plans proposed for large commercial developments and multiple-family residential construction shall hereafter be submitted to the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district for review and approval of the fire lanes and/or fire department access provided therefore prior to the issuance of a building permit thereon.


    Signs designating fire lanes. Upon the designation of a fire lane pursuant to this section, the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district shall give notice of such designation to the owner of such large commercial development or multiple-family residential dwelling, directing the owner to cause signs to be posted at the expense of the owner, at either extremity of such fire lane, lettered "Fire Lane - No Parking At Any Time." Such signs shall be of a standard size and color, of standard lettering and mounting, such standards of size, coloring and lettering to conform to patterns, drawings or samples of same to be obtained from the department of roads and bridges of the parish and such standards of mounting, including but not limited to the height above the grade at which such sign is to be mounted, to be ordered by the Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau.


    Summons and special commissioned police officers. In lieu, of having an unauthorized vehicle removed from a fire lane and impounded in accordance with the provisions of section 36-144, a summons or notice to appear may be issued for a vehicle parked in violation of this section. Any summons or notice to appear in answer to a charge of parking in violation of this section shall be issued on the official form thereof prescribed by the sheriff or Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district. The sheriff shall have the authority and exclusive right to designate, from time to time, special commissions on the owners of the property herein involved, or their agents or employees, to issue the summons or notice of violation herein provided for. Such summons may additionally be issued by any member of the sheriff's office or Jefferson Parish Fire Prevention Bureau or the qualified local fire district otherwise empowered to issue tickets for parking violations.


    Parking in fire lanes where signs are provided deemed unlawful. It is hereby declared to be unlawful to park any vehicle other than an authorized emergency vehicle of the parish in any fire lane as defined in subsection (a) where the signs provided for herein have been erected; however, if the signs provided for herein are not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person, it shall be a defense to any alleged violation hereof.


    Alteration, defacing, etc., of signs unlawful. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, without lawful authority, to attempt or to in fact alter, deface, injure, knock down, or remove any sign designating a fire lane which has been erected under the terms of this section.


    Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be punished as set forth in section 1-10 of this Code.

(Code 1961, § 7-25; Ord. No. 16602, § VI, 9-11-85; Ord. No. 16778, § I, 2-5-86; Ord. No. 23671, § 3, 10-14-09; Ord. No. 24567, § 2, 8-28-13)