§ 13-134. Testing and inspection of all containers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Different standards regarding the types and frequency of inspections based on the materials involved and the operations of the plants are applicable to the plants covered by this article. Thus each plant shall have all of the containers subject to this article on its site re-tested and re-inspected, both internally and externally, in accordance with an appropriate code of practice developed by a nationally-recognized association that is relevant to the use of, and materials stored in, the inspected container(s) by a qualified, third party inspector.


    In addition, each plant shall conduct self-certified inspections of all equipment, including but not limited to storage tanks or other storage containers, piping and appurtenances subject to this article on its site at least once per year.


    Each plant shall submit an initial "Yearly Inspection Summary" by March 31, 2008 to the Jefferson Parish Hazardous Material Risk Coordinator and the Departments of Environmental Affairs, and of Planning and a "Yearly Inspection Summary" thereafter by each March 31st. Each such summary shall be in the form of a spreadsheet, certified as accurate by the corporate officer responsible for plant operations or his designated representative and shall list the following:


    The specific code of practice applied in the inspection(s) and the name of the association that developed that code;


    Each container and pipe system, including the date it was placed into service; the date of the most recent third party inspection of each container and pipe system; and the date of the next scheduled third party inspection;


    The date of the most recent "self-certified" inspection; and


    Verification by the plant representative that the reports listed in the annual summary certify that the containers or other storage containers, lines and appurtenances meet or exceed all applicable industry standards and governmental regulations; or an explanation for corrective action for any container or other plant equipment that does do not meet or exceed all applicable industry standards and governmental regulations with a schedule for completion of such action and certification that such a container or other equipment, if the condition of said equipment poses an imminent danger to human life, the environment or waterways, will not be in service until it is certified by a qualified inspector to meet or exceed all applicable industry standards and governmental regulations.


    The parish shall not be responsible for the inspection of the containers or any other items on any plant site or related to the operation of any plant.

(Ord. No. 22937, § 2, 12-13-06)