§ 16-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:

    Bulk waste container means any container used for the collection and/or disposal of solid waste that is designated and intended:


    To be transported or hauled from the premises where it is emptied by mechanical means at a dumpsite; or


    To be emptied by mechanical means upon the premises where it is placed into a waste transport vehicle.

    Without limitation, the term includes the "dumpster" type containers that are commonly used in large, multifamily residential, commercial, industrial and public locations. Provided that the term shall not include the semi-automated service containers furnished by the parish for municipal collection and used by private collection contractors in the course of their collection business.

    Bulky waste includes large items with weights or volumes greater than those allowed for individual household-type containers as described in section 16-4(b). Bulky waste includes, but is not limited to, automobile parts (fenders, seats, and other parts not exceeding four hundred (400) pounds), furniture and toys, large tree limbs and shrubbery, fence boards, rugs and carpeting, construction debris, as defined below in this section. Bulky waste does not include dead animals, hazardous waste, and stable waste.

    Bulky waste suitable for manual collection includes those bulky waste items capable of fitting in the back of a rear end loader; those that do not exceed four (4) feet in length and seventy-five (75) pounds in weight (the 4/75 Rule).

    Bulky waste requiring boom truck collection includes those bulky waste items which are unable to fit in the back of a rear loader; those that weigh more than seventy-five (75) pounds but less than four hundred (400) pounds and/or measuring between four (4) feet and six (6) feet in length.

    Construction debris includes building materials waste resulting from remodeling and repair operations to residential units including, but not limited to, concrete, wood, sheetrock (which must be containerized), roofing shingles, siding, etc. For the purpose of this ordinance, construction debris does not include construction debris generated by new construction, construction debris from the demolition of either commercial units or primary residential structures, and construction debris generated by a unit that is not paying for garbage collection service through the Jefferson Parish Utility Billing System.

    Composting is a controlled process of degrading organic waste with microorganisms.

    Curbside recycling bin is any bin provided and approved by the parish for the purpose of curbside collection of recyclable materials.

    Disposal site or facility is any place at which solid waste is disposed of by incineration, landfilling, composting or any other method, and which has been approved by the state department of environmental quality, and/or the state department of health and hospitals, the parish and all other applicable local, state and federal agencies.

    Garbage means every accumulation of animal, fish, fowl, fruit and vegetable matter that attends or results from the handling, preparation, cooking, storage and/or consumption of food or food products including the cans, containers, wrappers and serving objects wasted along with such material.

    Hazardous waste includes any chemical, compound, mixture, substance or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the state to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to federal and state laws and regulations. Residential solid waste normally contains some hazardous wastes; however, household hazardous wastes are exempt from federal and state hazardous waste regulations and may be disposed of with household solid waste. Therefore, residential waste is not considered to be "hazardous waste" as used in this chapter.

    Illegal dumping means the depositing of solid wastes into a body or stream of water or on the surface of the ground at a location except as authorized by applicable federal, state or local permit(s).

    Incinerator means a furnace designed for the volume reduction of solid waste by burning in a fire box with proper controls and temperature range with stack emissions which do not exceed any air pollution control limits established by the state department of environmental quality.

    Landfilling is a method of disposing of solid waste on land, without creating nuisances or hazards to public health, by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the solid wastes to the smallest practical area, to reduce the solid wastes to the smallest practical volume and to cover such wastes.

    Littering means throwing, dropping, discarding, permitting the intentional or accidental ejection, emission, escape of, or otherwise disposing of litter or waste matter of any kind on any public property, or upon private property without permission of the owner of said property, or in the waters of this parish, whether from vehicle or otherwise. Litter shall include, but not be limited to, glass or metallic objects, trash, refuse, grass clippings or garbage.

    Nonputrescible describes solid waste that is not liable to spoil, decompose or putrefy and create noxious odors.

    Open burning means any fire or smoke producing process not conducted in a boiler plant, furnace, high temperature processing unit, incinerator or flame, or in any such equipment primarily designed for the combustion of fuel or waste material which is not approved by the state department of environmental quality and the local fire department. Open burning is the combustion of solid waste without control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient combustion containment of the combustion reaction in an enclosed device to provide sufficient residence time and mixing for complete combustion and control of the emission of combustion products.

    Passenger tire means any tire designed for use on an automobile, motorcycle, or utility truck or service vehicle with an average weight per unit of forty (40) pounds or less.

    Permit for disposal of solid waste shall mean written authorization issued by the state department(s) of health and/or environmental quality to a person for the construction, installation, modification, operation, closure, or post closure of a certain facility used or intended to be used to process or dispose of solid waste in accordance with state law and the applicable regulations and terms and conditions specified by the state department of environmental quality.

    Person means any individual, corporation, company, firm, partnership, association, trust, state agency, government instrumentality or agency, institution, parish, city, town or municipal authority or trust, venture or other legal entity, however organized.

    Premises means any place, land, building, or structure, including but not limited to any adjacent driveway, parking area, adjacent yard or landscaped area(s) under the control of the owner, his agent or occupant of said building or structure), or watercraft on the waters of the state or federal government, or any place upon or in which solid waste is generated, stored, transferred or disposed of.

    Putrescible describes solid waste that is liable to spoil, decompose or putrefy and create noxious odors.

    Recycling means any process by which waste material or residuals are reused or returned to beneficial use in the form of products.

    Recyclable material means any newspaper, glass, metal food and beverage cans, magazines, catalogs, phone books, corrugated cardboard, plastic or any other material authorized by the parish for collection in its curbside recycling program.

    Refuse means material picked up by manual and/or mechanical sweeping of streets and sidewalks, litter from public litter receptacles and material removed from catch basins, as well as stable refuse.

    Residential unit means a dwelling within the limits of the parish occupied by a person or group of persons.

    Salvaging means the controlled removal of material from a solid waste storage, transfer, processing or disposal site for authorized reuse or recycling.

    Scavenging means the unauthorized removal of material from a solid waste storage, transfer, processing or disposal site.

    Sewage treatment residue is coarse screenings, grit, scum and sludge from sewage treatment plants and pumpings from cesspools, septic tanks or grease traps.

    Small business units are businesses that do not have dumpsters or compactors and place curbside for collection (on the normal days for collection) typical residential containers or bags.

    Solid waste means useless, unwanted or discarded solid material with insufficient liquid content to be free-flowing, that results from domestic, industrial, commercial, agricultural, governmental or community operations which require proper storage, collection, transportation and disposal to prevent environmental pollution inimical to public health, safety and welfare. Solid waste does not include abandoned or junked vehicles, sewage, sewage treatment residue, earth or material used to fill land in accordance with construction codes, mining residues, slag, and dissolved or suspended solids in industrial wastewater effluents which are not acceptable for disposal in regular sewage treatment systems. Solid waste does not include potentially infectious biomedical or hazardous wastes from commercial establishments.

    Solid waste collection is the gathering of solid wastes from public or private premises.

    Solid waste collection service is a public or private operation engaged in solid waste collection and transportation services.

    Solid waste management system means the total concept of the entire process of storage, collection, transportation, processing and disposal of solid waste by any person engaging in such process as a business or by any municipality, authority, parish or any combination thereof.

    Solid waste storage is the handling and holding of solid waste near the point of generation pending collection.

    Solid waste transportation is the conveying of solid waste from one place to another by means of a vehicle, rail car, water vessel, conveyor or other means.

    Stable refuse is body waste of animal and fowl, and cleanings, and waste food stuffs from all barns, stables, corrals, or pens used for stabling, caging or penning of animals or fowl.

    Tipper cart means heavy-duty wheeled trash can/cart with a molded-in axle for easy tilt/roll and sturdy maneuvering that is commonly used with automated and semi-automated curbside collection waste truck lifters, with a capacity of 65—96 gallons, that are used for garbage collection at single family, smaller multi-family and commercial structures.

    Tire means a continuous or pneumatic rubber covering encircling the wheel of a vehicle.

    Trash means nonputrescible solid wastes consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes. Combustible trash includes paper, rags, cartons, wood, rubber, plastic, yard trimmings, leaves and similar material. Noncombustible trash includes grass, crockery, cans, dust, scrap metal and like material which will not burn at ordinary incinerator temperatures (one thousand six hundred (1,600) degrees Fahrenheit to two thousand (2,000) degrees Fahrenheit).

    Truck tire means any tire designed for use on heavy-duty trucks or related equipment including but not limited to trailers, semi-trailers, truck- tractors and semi-trailer combinations, or other service vehicle with an average weight of forty (40) to two hundred fifty (250) pounds per unit.

    Vector (of disease) means an animal or insect which transmits infectious diseases from one (1) person or animal to another by biting the skin or mucous membrane or by depositing infective material on the skin or food or on another object.

    Waste tire means a whole tire no longer suitable for its original purpose because of wear, damage, or defect.

    White goods means discarded domestic and commercial appliances, such as refrigerator, ranges, washers, and water heaters.

    Yard waste means vegetative matter resulting from landscaping, or maintenance or land clearing operations, including tree and shrubbery leaves and limbs, grass clippings and flowers.

(Ord. No. 22100, § 1, 1-21-04; Ord. No. 22352, § 1, 11-17-04; Ord. No. 25191 , § 1, 8-10-16)