§ 17-97. Qualifications and conditions of applicants.  

Latest version.
  • Applicants for a permit shall meet the following qualifications and conditions:


    Is a person of good character and reputation, and over eighteen (18) years of age;


    Is a citizen of the United States;


    Has not been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States, this state, or any other state and has not entered a plea of nolo contendere to the charge of any such felony;


    Is the owner of the premises, or has a bona fide written lease for same; in cases where the applicant holds a bona fide written lease, the name and current municipal address (no P.O. Boxes), of the lessor shall be shown on the application form filed with the sheriff;


    Has not been convicted in this state or in any other state or by the United States of soliciting for prostitution, pandering, letting premises for prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, keeping a disorderly place, letting a disorderly place or dealing in narcotics and has not entered a plea of nolo contendere to the charge of any such offense;


    Has not had revoked a license or permit to sell or deal in tobacco products issued by the United States or any state for five (5) years prior to the application, or been convicted or had judgment against him involving tobacco products by this state or any other state or the United States for five (5) years prior to the application;


    Has not been convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter and has not entered a plea of nolo contendere to the charge of any such offense;


    Is not an interposed person for the owner or proprietor of a business;


    Is not the spouse of a person whose application has been denied or whose permit has been revoked or who is otherwise ineligible for a permit, unless judicially separated or divorced;


    If applicant's place of business is conducted wholly or partly by a manager or agent, such person shall possess the qualifications provided by this chapter;


    If application is by a partnership or anyone in partnership with, or financed by another, all members of the partnership and the person or persons furnishing the money, shall be qualified to obtain a permit, and the application shall name all partners or financial backers and furnish their proper municipal addresses (no P.O. Boxes);


    If applicant is a juridical person, all officers, directors, members, and all stockholders owning in the aggregate more than five (5) percent of the stock, and the person or persons, who shall conduct or manage the business shall possess the qualifications required of an applicant, to be shown by the affidavit of each accompanying the application. However, the requirements as to citizenship and residence do not apply to officers, directors, members and stockholders of corporations applying for retail permits only. The corporation shall be either organized under the laws of the state or qualified to do business within the state;


    Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (3), a permit may be granted by the parish if the applicant has been pardoned automatically upon completion of his sentence, without a recommendation of the board of pardons and without action by the governor, in accordance with La. Const. Art. 4 § 5(E)(1), has had any misdemeanor conviction discharged or dismissed; or, ten (10) years or more have elapsed between the date of application and the successful completion of any sentence, deferred adjudication, or period of probation or parole, and the final discharge of the defendant; and if the applicant is a firm, association, partnership, trust, domestic or foreign corporation, or other legal entity, the applicant has terminated its relationship with the person or persons whose action directly contributed to the applicant's conviction, provided:


    The applicant has been granted a permit by the state in accordance with R.S. 26:80 (F) and R.S. 26:280 (F); and


    The felony for which the applicant was convicted is not:


    A crime of violence as defined in R.S. 14:2(B); or


    A crime involving a controlled dangerous substance.

(Ord. No. 24993 , § 1, 8-12-15; Ord. No. 25159 , § 3, 5-25-16)