§ 19-51. Fees; costs, billing; payment; imposition of lien; addition of costs to ad valorem tax bill.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The parish council hereby finds and declares that the general administrative expenses of inspecting buildings, locating owners, conducting hearings, issuing notices and orders, together with all associated administrative functions, require the reasonable charge of twenty-five (25) percent of the amount paid by the Parish for demolition for each lot, adjacent lots under common ownership, or tract of land, and such minimum charge is hereby established and declared to be the charge for such administrative expenses to be assessed in each instance where the parish demolishes or contracts for the demolition of a building or buildings thereon. Notwithstanding any tabulation of recorded costs, a charge of twenty-five percent of the amount paid by the Parish for demolition is hereby expressly stated to be a minimum charge. Further, the costs of demolishing the building or buildings either by the parish or by persons doing so under contract with the parish shall be separately calculated and assessed in each instance where the parish demolishes or causes the demolition of a building or buildings pursuant to this article; said costs to include any outstanding amounts owed to the Jefferson Parish Department of Water.

    The inspection shall certify all administrative expenses, Jefferson Parish Department of Water expenses, and costs of demolishing a building or buildings by the parish or by persons doing so under contract with the parish, as a charge which shall be assessed the owners thereof. Such charge shall bear interest at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum until paid.

    Provided, further, if an order has been issued pursuant to this article for the repair or demolition of a building or buildings and the parish has let a contract for demolition, and the building or buildings are subsequently repaired or demolished by the owners prior to completion of the contract let by the parish, the administrative expenses and all costs for cancellation of the contract shall be certified as a charge which shall be assessed as against the owners thereof. Such charges shall bear interest at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum until paid.


    At the completion of any work performed pursuant to this chapter, or preparation in anticipation thereof, the proprietary party and/or owner of the premises shall be sent a notice fulfilling the requirements provided in section 2.5-7 of this Code, itemizing the cost of the work in accordance with this article. The proprietary party and/or owner of the premises shall be given thirty (30) days from receipt thereof to make payment to the parish.


    In addition to the other provisions of this article, the parish is also authorized to have recorded in the mortgage office of the parish, a sworn statement showing the costs and expenses incurred for the work and the date, place or property on which the work was done, and the recordation of such sworn statement shall constitute a lien and privilege on the property and shall remain in full force and effect for the amount due in principle and interest, plus costs for filing the lien, and costs of court, if any, for collection until final payment has been made.


    In addition to the foregoing, the remedies available pursuant to sections 19-10 and 19-11 are also available.

(Ord. No. 23373, § 1, 8-20-08; Ord. No. 23689, 11-4-09; Ord. No. 23691, § 6, 11-4-09)