§ 20-61. Prostitution—Loitering by women of ill repute.  

Latest version.
  • Public prostitutes, notoriously or apparently lewd and abandoned women and girls are forbidden to frequent any bars or cocktail lounges or to drink therein, or to stand or in any manner obstruct or be conspicuous in any street or public road or in any manner accost, call or stop any person passing by, or to stroll about the streets, public roads, highways, fields or commons, indecently attired, or in any other respect so to behave or conduct themselves as to attract public attention or calculated to occasion scandal, or in any manner calculated or intended to disturb and offend the peace and good morals of the people.

(Code 1961, § 12-26)

State law reference

Offenses concerning prostitution, R.S. 14:82 et seq.