§ 20-63. Hypodermic needles, syringes, etc.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person not being a dentist, funeral director, physician, podiatrist, nurse or veterinarian, registered or licensed under the laws of this state or the state where he resides or a manufacturer or dealer in embalming supplies, wholesale druggist, manufacturing pharmacist, pharmacist, manufacturer of surgical instruments, official of any government having the articles mentioned in this section by reason of his official duties, employee of an incorporated hospital acting under official direction, or a carrier or messenger engaged in the transportation of such articles as an agent of the above mentioned persons, employees of scientific research laboratories, employees of an agency or organization duly authorized by the state board of pharmacy or a person who has received a written prescription issued under subsection (d) shall have in his possession a hypodermic syringe, hypodermic needle or any instrument adapted for the use of narcotic drugs by parenteral administration. No such syringe, needle or instrument shall be delivered, sold, or exchanged with, any person except the persons specified in this section.


    This section shall not apply to such a syringe, needle, or instrument for use on farm animals and poultry.


    A person selling such syringe, needle, or instrument shall keep such records as the health department by regulation, shall prescribe.


    A licensed physician, dentist, podiatrist, or osteopath may issue to a patient under his immediate charge a written prescription to purchase any of these instruments specified in subsection (a). The health department shall, by regulation, prescribe a form prescription that the physician shall use and the records and information that shall be kept by the physician and by the pharmacist filling such prescription.

(Code 1961, § 12-20.6)