§ 20-148. Qualifying to use firearms in course of employment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The sheriff is hereby authorized to develop a program to qualify all persons who use firearms during the course and scope of their employment.


    A fee for such qualification will be fixed at thirty dollars ($30.00), collectable by the sheriff.


    The sheriff will have exclusive power to determine what will constitute sufficient qualification in the use of firearms by such persons.


    At the end of successfully completing the training program, the sheriff is hereby authorized to issue a certificate of qualification to the person for a period of two (2) years.


    This permit will be renewable upon application at the end of two (2) years at a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).


    It is the intention of this section to grant to the sheriff additional authority to the authority already in force and effect under the laws of the state and/or the ordinances of the parish.


    Such program before being initiated shall be accepted by the parish council.

(Code 1961, § 12-18.6)