§ 21-30. West Jefferson Park and Community Center and Playground District.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Creation. A community center and playground district be and is hereby created within the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana, which shall comprise and embrace all of that territory within the parish on the westbank of the Mississippi River with the exception of that territory contained within the corporate limits of the City of Gretna, the City of Westwego, and the Town of Grand Isle, more particularly, comprising, embracing and including all of that territory within the following boundaries:

    Beginning at the intersection of the Parish boundary line separating the Parish of Jefferson from the Parish of St. Charles with the centerline of the Mississippi River; thence in a southerly direction along the boundary line between the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of St. Charles to the intersection with the projection of the Township line common to T14S and T15S in R23E and R24E; thence proceed in a southerly direction along the common boundary of the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of St. Charles to the common boundary of the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of Lafourche; thence meandering in a southerly and southeasterly direction along said common boundary line to a point, being the point of intersection with the dividing line of T19S and T20S in R25E; thence in an easterly direction along the line common to T19S and T20S in Ranges 25E and 24E as projected to the boundary line common to the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of Plaquemines; thence in a northerly direction along said common boundary line to the intersection with the projection of the north line of T15S, R24E; thence continue northeasterly along said common boundary line between the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of Plaquemines to the intersection of the boundary lines separating the Parish of Jefferson from the Parish of Orleans; thence northwesterly along said boundary line to its intersection with the centerline of the Mississippi River, thence along said centerline upriver to its intersection with the boundary line separating the Parish of Jefferson and the Parish of St. Charles, being the POINT OF BEGINNING; less and except that land within corporate limits of the municipalities of Gretna, and Westwego, as said corporate limits are now presently constituted. Said recreation and community center and playground district to include all that territory formerly included in Consolidated Recreation and Community Center and Playground District No. 2 of the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana.


    Official designation. The recreation and community center and playground district created in subsection (a) shall be known and designated as "West Jefferson Park and Community Center and Playground District of the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana."


    Operation and construction fee.


    There is levied a monthly operation and construction fee and service charge of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per dwelling unit situated within West Jefferson Park and Community Center and Playground District of the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of defraying the cost of maintaining, operating, constructing and acquiring recreational facilities necessary to the proper use of such district.


    The above-mentioned operation and construction fee and service charge shall be collected bimonthly on the same billing of the Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson, issued to such dwellings situated within West Jefferson Park and Community Center and Playground District of the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana, and payable to the offices of the Department of Water and its authorized collecting agencies.


    All accounts shall be considered delinquent if not paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of same. If a delinquent account is not paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of the bill of the account(s), the parish shall have the right to proceed for the collection of such unpaid charges in a manner provided by law for the collection of a parish claim.


    Dedication. The proceeds of the above-mentioned operation and construction fee and service charge shall be dedicated to the construction, operation and maintenance of Pare des Families, for such other park facilities within the district, and for such other purposes as provided by law and this article.

(Ord. No. 22162, § 1, 3-31-04)