§ 23-18. Penalty for violating sections 23-17 and 23-18.  

Latest version.
  • The violation of any of the provisions of sections 23-17 and 23-18 shall be cause for the following penalties:


    Classified employees shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal by their appointing authority in accordance with the personnel rules.


    Unclassified employees shall be subject to suspension or dismissal by their appointing authority provided, however, that before any such unclassified employee is discharged, the council shall hold a public hearing to determine whether or not such employee has violated the provisions of section 23-17 and 23-18.


    Elected officials shall be subject to censure by the parish council for violation of section 23-17(h).

    (Code 1961, § 13-7; Ord. No. 24011, § 3, 5-11-11)

    Note— Formerly § 23-3.