§ 23-61. Car allowance for private automobiles.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Rate of reimbursement. At the discretion of the chief operating officer or the deputy chief operating officer for employees under the direction of the parish president, and at the discretion of the appointing authority for employees under the direction of the council, the methods for compensating employees required to use personal automobiles in the conduct of assigned official duties for the parish are hereby established to conform with the current mileage allowance used by the Internal Revenue Service and shall be adjusted periodically to said allowance.


    Mileage report form. Those employees receiving a monthly car allowance who travel in excess of their allotted mileage per month on parish business or employees receiving compensation on a mileage reimbursement basis shall submit to the department of finance, a completed monthly mileage report form on or before the fifteenth of the month following the month for which the report is made.


    Insurance requirements. Insurance coverage as required to be certified by the department of finance shall be carried on all private vehicles used on parish business.


    Suspension of monthly allowance. Payment of the monthly car allowance shall be suspended whenever the employee recipient is on leave of absence from duty for a period in excess of thirty (30) days.

(Code 1961, § 13-32; Ord. No. 17881, § 3, 11-29-89; Ord. No. 24627, § 1, 12-11-13)

Editor's note

The monthly mileage report form has not been included herein, but may be found on file in the parish offices.