§ 23-145. Financial disclosure required for elected officials, executive pay plan employees, and office of inspector general employees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Jefferson Parish council members, the parish president, all Jefferson Parish unclassified "at-will" employees and officers of Jefferson Parish whose positions are under the executive pay plan for the Parish of Jefferson and employees in the Jefferson Parish Office of the Inspector General shall be required to file financial disclosure information annually in accordance with the provisions of this division.


    The financial disclosures required under this division shall be made as follows:


    Each Jefferson Parish council member and the parish president shall submit the completed financial statement prescribed by R.S. 42:1124.2 as well as a completed financial disclosure addendum prescribed by subsection (g) of this section.


    All Jefferson Parish unclassified "at-will" employees and officers of Jefferson Parish whose positions are under the executive pay plan for the Parish of Jefferson and employees in the Jefferson Parish Office of the Inspector General shall submit the required disclosures on the financial disclosure statement form prescribed by subsection (f) of this section.


    All financial disclosures required by this division shall be submitted to the parish attorney by May 15th of each year during which the person required to file such statement holds an office or position included in subsection (a) of this section.


    The parish attorney shall be the official custodian of the statements filed in accordance with this division.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, the financial disclosure statement required by this division may be filed within thirty (30) days after the individual files his federal or state tax return for the year on which he is reporting, taking into consideration any extensions filed by the individual, provided that he notifies the parish attorney prior to the deadline provided in subsection (b) of this section of his intention to do so.


    Any person who is employed, elected or appointed to a position which under this division is required to file a financial disclosure statement, but who is so employed, elected or appointed after May 15th of any calendar year, shall be required to file a financial disclosure statement within thirty (30) days of the employment, election or appointment or within thirty (30) days of the date on which said person files his federal or state tax return, whichever date is later, provided that said person complies with subsection (c) of this section if filing for an extension to file his federal or state tax return.


    Unless otherwise specified, the information to be provided on each financial disclosure statement in accordance with the provisions of this division shall be for the calendar year immediately prior to the year in which the statement is to be filed in accordance with the deadlines for submittal of the statement under this section.


    The department of human resource management shall prescribe a financial disclosure statement form that includes requests and space for all information required under section 23-147, along with instructions and deadlines for said submittals in accordance with this division. The filer may attach additional information to the financial disclosure statement form which will not fit in the space allowed for the information on the form, and such additional information shall be considered to be part of the financial disclosure statement as if it were fully incorporated therein. Not later than the 31st day of January of each year, the department of human resources shall distribute or shall make available on-line the financial disclosure statement form to all persons required to file the form in accordance with this division.


    The department of human resource management shall prescribe a financial disclosure addendum form that includes requests and space for all information required to be disclosed by section 23-147 that is not otherwise requested on the financial statement prescribed by R.S. 42:1124.2. The department of human resource management shall also prescribe instructions and deadlines for said submittals in accordance with this division. The filer may attach additional information to the financial disclosure addendum form which will not fit in the space allowed for the information on the form, and such additional information shall be considered to be part of the financial disclosure addendum as if it were fully incorporated therein. Not later than the 31st day of January of each year, the department of human resource management shall distribute or shall make available on-line the financial disclosure addendum forms to all persons required to file a financial disclosure addendum in accordance with this division.


    When an amount is required to be disclosed by category pursuant to this division, it shall be sufficient to report the amount by the following categories:


    Category I, less than $5,000.00.


    Category II, $5,000.00-$24,999.00.


    Category III, $25,000.00-$100,000.00.


    Category IV, more than $100,000.00.

(Ord. No. 23831, § 1, 6-9-10Ord. No. 24650, § 1, 1-15-14; Ord. No. 24721, § 1, 4-9-14; Ord. No. 25505 , § 1, 1-31-18)