§ 23-147. Information to be disclosed by elected officials and executive pay plan employees.  

Latest version.
  • The following information shall be provided by the person required to file in accordance with the requirements of this division on the financial disclosure statement:


    General information.




    The full name and residential address of the person required to file.


    The full name of the spouse of the person required to file, if any, and the spouse's residential address if different from the address of the person required to file.


    Parish employment.


    The job title of the current position with Jefferson Parish of the person required to file and a brief description of said position including whether or not said position is full-time or part-time.


    Other employment.


    The name and address of the employer, job title, and a brief job description for each full-time or part-time non-parish employment position held by the person required to file.


    The name and address of any employer, job title, and a brief job description for each full-time or part-time employment position held by the spouse of the person required to file.


    Business interests.


    The name, address, brief description of, and nature of association with and the amount of interest in each business in which the person required to file or spouse is a director, officer, owner, partner, member, or trustee, or in which the person required to file or spouse, either individually or collectively, owns an interest which exceeds ten (10) percent.


    The name, address, brief description of, and nature of association with a nonprofit organization in which the person required to file or spouse is a director or officer.


    Immediate family.


    The name and relationship to the person required to file of any immediate family member of said person who has any ownership, employment or other economic interest in a parish contractor, or who has an economic interest in any person or business which has been a parish contractor at any time in the period beginning on January 1st in the year prior to the year that the financial disclosure statement is due under the provisions of this division and ending on the date of the submittal of this statement.


    The name and address of any and all parish contractors as to which any member of the immediate family of the person required to file has any ownership, employment or other economic interest as specified in subsection (a)(5)a. of this section, along with the name of the immediate family member having said interest and a general description of said interest.


    Financial disclosure.


    Income from public sources or from public contractors.


    The type and specific amount of any and all income and the name and address of the source of any and all income received by the person required to file or spouse, or by any business in which the person required to file or spouse, either individually or collectively, owns an interest which exceeds ten (10) percent of that business, from the State of Louisiana, the Parish of Jefferson or from any political subdivision of either the state or the parish.


    The type and specific amount of any and all income and the name and address of the source of any and all income received by the person required to file or spouse, or by any business in which the person required to file or spouse, either individually or collectively, owns an interest which exceeds ten (10) percent of that business, from any parish contractor or from any person or business which has been a parish contractor at any time in the period beginning on January 1st in the year prior to the year that the financial disclosure statement which includes this disclosure is due under the provisions of this division and ending on the date of the submittal of this statement.


    Other income.


    The name and address of any employer, including self-employment, which provides income to the person required to file or spouse pursuant to the full-time or part-time employment of the person required to file or spouse, including a brief description of the nature of the services rendered pursuant to such employment and the amount of such income by category, excluding information required to be reported pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section.


    The name and address of all businesses which provide income to the person required to file or spouse, including a brief description of the nature of services rendered for each business or of the reason such income was received, and the aggregate amount of such income by category, excluding information required to be reported pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section or subparagraph (a) of this subsection (b)(2).


    A description of all property by lot, square, subdivision and municipal address located in unincorporated Jefferson Parish in which the person required to file or spouse holds an ownership interest that, either individually or collectively, exceeds two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) as determined by the assessor for purposes of ad valorem taxes for such parcel of immovable property; and any income, to be reported by category, received from these properties by the person required to file or spouse, excluding information required to be reported pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section or subparagraphs a., or b. of this subsection (b)(2).


    A description of the type of any other income exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) received by the person required to file or spouse, or by both collectively, including a brief description of the nature of the services rendered for the income or the reason such income was received, and the amount of income by category, excluding information required to be reported pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section or subparagraphs a., b., or c. of this subsection (b)(2).




    The name and address of each parish contractor as defined in this division, if any, to whom the person required to file, or spouse owes any liability or from which the person required to file or spouse has received any loan.


    The specific amount of any liability or loan identified pursuant to subsection (b)(3)a. herein, and the reason for the incurrence of any such liability or for any such loan.


    For purposes of this division, the terms "loan" or "liability" shall not include:


    any liability incurred for ordinary consumer transactions for which the amount(s) paid for goods or services is on terms and in amounts available to any similarly situated member of the public for the same goods or services; and


    any loan or other liability from a licensed financial institution made by said institution on terms and in amounts available to any similarly situated member of the public for the purpose(s) for which the loan was made or for which the liability was incurred.

(Ord. No. 23831, § 1, 6-9-10; Ord. No. 25505 , § 3, 1-31-18)