§ 23-157. Eligibility for benefits; conversion.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Full-time employees who are directors of departments, special assistants appointed by the parish president and approved by the council, and unclassified employees of the council, in addition to those unclassified employees eligible for retirement benefits or any other type of separation at their date of termination shall receive annual and sick leave benefits in accordance with Rule IX, Sections 2 and 3 of the Personnel Rules for classified employees of the parish, as amended.


    Each eligible unclassified employee, in accordance with subsection (a), shall receive credit for prior service in the unclassified service of the parish after June 4, 1959, as follows:


    Annual leave: Five (5) days for each year of service, not to exceed seventy-five (75) days.


    Sick leave: Ten (10) days for each year of service, not to exceed one hundred (100) days.


    Unclassified employees receiving terminal leave compensation in accordance with Ordinance No. 11775 shall not be paid for unused sick or annual leave; however, such leave shall be converted into retirement service credits in accordance with Act 302 of the 1974 session of the State Legislature and with similar related provisions of Ordinance No. 11027 adopted January 18, 1973, as amended.


    Eligible employees in accordance with subsection (a) having accrued annual and sick leave while serving in the classified service of the parish shall receive payment for such leave in accordance with the personnel rules applicable to classified employees.


    The annual and sick leave benefits provided for herein shall be recorded within each department and reported monthly to the payroll officer of the department of finance.

(Code 1961, § 13-30.1)