§ 23-206. Retirement date.  

Latest version.
  • A judge of the First Parish Court or a judge of the Second Parish Court who has served as a judge of a court of record for at least eighteen (18) years and who has been elected to three (3) full terms as either a judge of the First Parish Court or a judge of the Second Parish Court may retire thereafter and he shall be paid a monthly pension equal to two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of his monthly salary he was receiving at the time he ceases to be a judge provided said judge did not qualify on July 31, 1974, for retirement benefits under the retirement plan for judges of this state, i.e. Article 7, Section 8 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1921.

    A judge/magistrate who has been elected to serve at least two (2) full terms as either a judge of the First Parish Court or the Second Parish Court and who has served at least nine (9) years as a judge/magistrate of a court of record shall receive upon retirement a monthly payment equal to the number of years served as a judge divided by eighteen (18) times two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the monthly salary he was receiving at the time he ceases to be a judge, but in no case shall he be entitled to more than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the monthly salary he was receiving at the time he ceases to be a judge unless he has thirty (30) years service in which case he shall be entitled to retire with full pay.

    A judge/magistrate who is declared medically unfit to serve as determined by a medical review and upon approval of a majority vote of the council and who meets the qualifications set forth in this section shall be entitled to receive pension benefits as described in this section.

    In computing the benefits described in this section; a judge of the First Parish Court or the Second Parish Court for the Parish of Jefferson shall be given additional credit for time served as an assistant parish attorney or assistant district attorney for the Parish of Jefferson; and shall be given additional credit for military service of up to four (4) years maximum after otherwise attaining eighteen (18) years of service.

(Code 1961, § 13-9; Ord. No. 15505, § 2, 4-13-83; Ord. No. 16399, § 2, 4-10-85)