§ 24-2. Specific requirements of plans, specifications, materials and installation; exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In addition to the specific requirements set forth in this section, all plans, specifications, materials and the installation of any pipeline for which a permit is required by section 24-24 shall comply with the Uniform Standards Association Standard Code for Pressure Piping, U.S.A.S., B-31, 8, in connection with gas pipelines, and U.S.A.S. B-31, 4, relating to liquid petroleum transportation piping systems, where applicable, and such amendments thereto as are approved by the parish council or its delegate. Should any provision of the code conflict with the requirements of this section, the latter shall prevail.


    Any pipeline or segment thereof, on, over or across a road or right-of-way, within the confines of the parish shall have an earth covering a minimum of thirty (30) inches. Any pipeline crossing a hard surfaced road shall be installed either by boring or tunneling. If excavations are required, they shall be backfilled and tamped in six-inch layers. Pipelines constructed under hard surfaced roads will be encased where same is required under the U.S.A.S. codes referred to hereinabove. Adequate drainage shall be maintained at all times during the installation of pipelines. Markers shall be installed to mark the location of all pipelines on roads and rights-of-way or other public projects.


    Pipelines crossing a drainage ditch or canal shall have an earth covering of at least three (3) feet below the existing flow line of such drainage itch or canal and the bank shall be protected by either natural or artificial means, in accordance with sound engineering practices. Markers shall be installed to mark the location of any such pipeline crossing.


    Any pipeline which crosses a levee shall be constructed in accordance with the latest applicable regulations and specifications of the state department of public works.


    The owner of any pipeline constructed hereunder shall conduct an annual inspection as may be required under the U.S.A.S. Codes, and upon doing so owner shall notify the parish council in writing that this inspection has been made.


    The parish council or its delegate may grant a special exception to any requirement of this section upon a showing that the fulfillment of such requirement would impose undue hardship upon the owner of the pipeline, or that such requirement is inappropriate due to the existence of special conditions. Any exception granted by the council or its delegate may be conditioned in any manner it deems necessary or appropriate.

(Code 1961, § 5A-5)