§ 25-192. East Bank population.  

Latest version.
  • The 2000 Census data reported the total population of the Jefferson Parish East Bank (Elmwood, Harahan, Jefferson, Kenner, Metairie, and River Ridge) to be two hundred fifty-seven thousand two hundred thirty-nine (257,239) persons. This is a decrease of three thousand four hundred seventy (3,470) persons or one and three tenths (1.3) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported a total population of two hundred sixty thousand seven hundred nine (260,709) persons, and a decrease of seventeen thousand three hundred eighty-three (17,383) persons or six and three tenths (6.3) percent from the 1980 Census, which reported a total population of two hundred seventy-four thousand six hundred twenty-two (274,622) persons. The total East Bank population in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson Parish is one hundred ninety-two thousand four hundred fifty-seven (192,457).

    The 2000 Census reported the racial composition of the Jefferson Parish East Bank at two hundred eight thousand six hundred seventy-five (208,675) persons or eighty-one and one tenth (81.1) percent; White; thirty thousand eight hundred twenty-three (30,823) persons or twelve (12.0) percent Black/African American; seven hundred ninety-seven (797) persons or three tenths (0.3) percent American Indian/Alaskan Native; six thousand five hundred fifty-four (6,654) persons or two and six tenths (2.6) percent Asian/Pacific Islander; and five thousand eight hundred twenty-six (5,826) persons or two and three tenths (2.3) percent of some other race. Additionally, the 2000 Census reports the population that is comprised of two (2) or more races as four thousand four hundred sixty-four (4,464) persons or one and seven tenths (1.7) percent of the total population.

    The White population (two hundred eight thousand six hundred seventy-five (208,675) persons or eighty-one and one tenth (81.1) percent of the 2000 Census total population) shows a decrease of eighteen thousand seven hundred eighty-nine (18,789) persons or eight and three tenths (8.3) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported a White population of two hundred seventy-seven thousand four hundred sixty-four (227,464) persons or eighty-seven and two tenths (87.2) percent of the total population in 1990, and a decrease of thirty-nine thousand four hundred forty-nine (39,449) persons or fifteen and nine tenths (15.9) percent from the 1980 Census, which reported a White population of two hundred forty-eight thousand one hundred twenty-four (248,124) persons or ninety and four tenths (90.4) percent of the total population in 1980.

    The Black/African American population (thirty thousand eight hundred twenty-three (30,823) persons or twelve (12.0) percent of the 2000 Census total population) shows an increase of six thousand five hundred thirty-nine (6,539) persons or twenty-six and nine tenths (26.9) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported a Black/African American population of twenty-four thousand two hundred eighty-four (24,284) persons or nine and three tenths (9.3) percent of the total population in 1990, and an increase of nine thousand seven hundred sixty-one (9,761) persons or forty-six and three tenths (46.3) percent from the 1980 Census, which reported a Black/African American population of twenty-one thousand sixty-two (21,062) persons or seven and seven tenths (7.7) percent of the total population in 1980.

    The American Indian/Alaskan Native population (seven hundred ninety-seven (797) persons or three tenths (0.3) percent of the 2000 Census total population) shows an increase of two hundred forty-two (242) persons or forty-three and six tenths (43.6) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported an American Indian/Alaskan Native population of five hundred fifty-five (555) persons or two tenths (0.2) percent of the total population in 1990.

    The Asian/Pacific Islander population (six thousand six hundred fifty-four (6,654) persons or two and six tenths (2.6) percent of the 2000 Census total population) shows an increase of two thousand five hundred thirteen (2,513) persons or sixty and seven tenths (60.7) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported an Asian/Pacific Islander population of four thousand one hundred forty-one (4,141) persons or one and six tenths (1.6) percent of the total population in 1990.

    The population that falls into Some Other Race (five thousand eight hundred twenty-six (5,826) persons or two and three tenths (2.3) percent of the 2000 Census total population) shows an increase of one thousand five hundred sixty-one (1,561) persons or thirty-six and six tenths (36.6) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported a population for some other race of four thousand two hundred sixty-five (4,265) persons or one and six tenths (1.6) percent of the total population in 1990.

    The 2000 Census reports that the population of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity is twenty-one thousand six hundred ninety-one (21,691) persons or eight and four tenths (8.4) percent of the total population. This is an increase of three thousand eight hundred sixty (3,860) persons or twenty-one and six tenths (21.6) percent from the 1990 Census, which reported the population of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity of seventeen thousand eight hundred thirty-one (17,831) persons or six and eight tenths (6.8) percent of the total population in 1990.

    The following table provides a demographic summary of the East Bank of Jefferson Parish over the past twenty (20) years.

    Table 3.2: East Bank Demographics

    East Bank
    Percent Change
    Characteristic 1980 1990 2000 1980—2000 1990—2000
    Total Population 274,622 260,709 257.239 -6.3% -1.3%
    White 248,124 227,464 208,675 -15.9% -8.3%
    Black 21,062 24,284 30,823 46.3% 26.9%
    Amer. Ind./Alaskan 555 797 N/A 43.6%
    Asian/Pacific Island 4,141 6,654 N/A 60.7%
    Other 4,265 5,826 N/A 36.6%
    2 or More Races No Data 4,464 N/A N/A
    Hispanic/Latino 17,831 21,691 N/A 21.6%
    Under 18 Years 61,710 57,294 N/A -7.2%
    18 to 64 Years 166,983 162,928 N/A -2.4%
    65 Years and Over 32,016 37,017
    Male 124,275 123,135 N/A -0.9%
    Female 136,434 134,104 N/A -1.7%


    The 2000 Census reported the age breakdown for the East Bank of Jefferson Parish at fifty-seven thousand two hundred ninety-four (57,294) persons or twenty-two and three tenths (22.3) percent of the total population are under eighteen (18) years of age, one hundred sixty-two thousand nine hundred twenty-eight (162,928) persons or sixty-three and three tenths (63.3) percent of the total population are from eighteen (18) to sixty-four (64) years of age, and thirty-seven thousand seventeen (37,017) persons or fourteen and four tenths (14.4) percent of the total population are sixty-five (65) years and older.

    The 1990 Census reported the age breakdown for Jefferson Parish at sixty-one thousand seven hundred ten (61,710) persons or twenty-three and seven tenths (23.7) percent of the total population were under eighteen (18) years of age, one hundred sixty-six thousand nine hundred eighty-three (166,983) persons or sixty-four (64.0) percent of the total population were from eighteen (18) to sixty-four (64) years of age, and thirty-two thousand sixteen (32,016) persons or twelve and three tenths (12.3) percent of the total population were sixty-five (65) years and older.

    This shows a population decrease from 1990 to 2000 for the population under eighteen (18) years of age at four thousand four hundred sixteen (4,416) persons or seven and two tenths (7.2) percent, a decrease for the population eighteen (18) to sixty-four (64) years of age at four thousand fifty-five (4,055) persons or two and four tenths (2.4) percent, and an increase in the population sixty-five (65) years and older at five thousand one (5,001) persons or fifteen and six tenths (15.6) percent.

    The 2000 Census reported the sex breakdown for the East Bank of Jefferson Parish at one hundred twenty-three thousand one hundred thirty-five (123,135) persons or forty-seven and nine tenths (47.9) percent of the total population is male and one hundred thirty-four thousand one hundred four (134,104) persons or fifty-two and one tenth (52.1) percent of the total population is female.

    The 1990 Census reported the sex breakdown for the East Bank at one hundred twenty-four thousand two hundred seventy-five (124,275) persons or forty-seven and seven tenths (47.7) percent of the total population was male and one hundred thirty-six thousand four hundred thirty-four (136,434) persons or fifty-two and three tenths (52.3) percent of the total population was female.

    This shows a decrease in the male population from 1990 to 2000 of one thousand one hundred forty (1,140) persons or nine tenths (0.9) percent and a decrease for the female population of two thousand three hundred thirty (2,330) persons or one and seven tenths (1.7) percent.

(Ord. No. 21939, § 1, 8-6-03)