§ 25-301. Conclusion.  

Latest version.
  • The future land use element is a guide for future development and redevelopment within Jefferson Parish. It designates the general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for residential, commercial, industrial, recreation, resource, and other categories of the public and private uses of land. It is the framework for defining what Jefferson Parish wants to be like by the year 2020.

    The future land use element includes objectives and policies to implement a future land use plan. Along with implementing the future land uses, the goals, objectives and policies serve as a guide to achieve an appropriate balance between public and private interest in the creation of favorable economic conditions, provision of adequate housing and adequate services and facilities, maintenance of established residential neighborhoods, conservation of natural resources, and protection of private property rights. The future land use element consists of numerous policies that address the issues and concerns of citizens and businesses of Jefferson Parish. The goals, objectives and policies are the action component of the plan.

    The future land use map illustrates the preferred location of development in Jefferson Parish over the next twenty (20) years. The future land use map is comprised of eighteen (18) future land use categories and provides for an adequate mix of land use types in appropriate locations. Residential categories range from low-density residential development to high-density residential development. The future land use map also provides a variety of commercial, office and retail, industrial, mixed-use, public, and recreation lands. In developing the plan, each of these uses were appropriately located to protect existing neighborhoods, provide shopping and recreational uses in close proximity to residents, and to make the most efficient use of infrastructure.

    The future land use map is not a static document but is designed to allow changes to meet development trends and changing conditions. The future land use map provides sufficient amounts of each land use type to accommodate land use projections with adequate lands remaining for market flexibility and contingency.

(Ord. No. 21939, § 1, 8-6-03; Ord. No. 22997, § 1, 2-28-07)