Jefferson Parish |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 4. LAND USE ELEMENT |
SubDivision II. Future Land Use |
§ 25-256. Parish-wide future land use.
On October 19, 2002, three (3) alternative future land use scenarios were presented to the element committee for comment and discussion. A brief overview of the impacts of each scenario was presented before the element committee broke into five (5) groups to provide input and comment on the future land use maps associated with each scenario. The parish was divided into five (5) geographic areas in order to provide a greater level of detail as the future land use maps were analyzed. The future land use scenarios were based upon citizen input and the goals and objectives established by the element committee. The three (3) future land use scenarios were presented as follows:
Existing trend scenario;
Transit oriented development scenario;
Neighborhood unit scenario.
Scenario 1 was based upon a continuation of current development trends and patterns, similar to that which has occurred over the past in Jefferson Parish. Land use types, densities and basic development patterns were assumed to continue in a manner similar to currently developed areas, following similar policies in effect today. Scenario 2 provided the opportunity to compatibly maximize development within Jefferson Parish. This scenario would maximize existing development and redevelopment of existing activity centers located along transit corridors. This scenario assumed that Jefferson Parish would develop and redevelop in a pattern that is more compact and transit supportive than the current pattern of development. Scenario 3 provided for new development to accommodate projected growth and employment. By focusing on neighborhoods as functional units, Jefferson Parish would promote sustainable neighborhoods, each of which accommodates a broad range of recreational, service, shopping, and residential needs. This scenario assumed that new development and redevelopment would compatibly integrate open spaces, neighborhood services, and community facilities within each neighborhood. The element committee expressed little support for the existing trends scenario and a general preference for a plan that emphasized a strong neighborhood focus with select features of transit-oriented development.
The element committee meeting held on November 16, 2002 consisted of a presentation of the preferred scenario as well as a workshop effort to obtain comments and input on the preferred scenario that would become part of the preferred plan.
The following acreage table summarizes the future land use distribution of the comprehensive land use plan (excludes rights-of-way for streets, canals, etc.) as adopted on August 6, 2003, and does not reflect subsequent amendments to the Future Land Use Map:
Table 5.1: Unincorporated Jefferson Parish Future Land Use
Acreage Distribution, August 6, 2003
Future Land Use West Bank East Bank Total Percent Outside Levee Low Density Residential 2,210.99 601.41 2,812.40 5.20% 2,615.20 Low-Medium Density Residential 10,159.16 6,965.94 17,125.10 31.67% 0.00 Medium Density Residential 381.52 1,014.66 1,396.18 2.58% 0.00 Medium-High Density Residential 301.72 197.38 499.10 0.92% 0.00 High Density Residential 326.38 374.86 701.24 1.30% 0.00 Low Intensity Commercial 560.56 290.39 850.95 1.57% 81.70 High Intensity Commercial 1,979.03 684.38 2,663.41 4.92% 49.44 Corporate/Research Park 261.04 0.00 261.04 0.48% 0.00 Neighborhood Mixed-Use 0.00 236.61 236.61 0.44% 0.00 Community Mixed-Use 5,154.08 377.72 5,531.80 10.24% 0.00 Regional Mixed-Use 0.00 1,860.67 1,860.67 3.44% 0.00 Light Industrial 3,011.09 899.11 3,910.20 7.23% 53.40 Heavy Industrial 4,498.04 15.96 4,514.00 8.35% 0.00 Public/Quasi-Public/Institutional 886.28 787.03 1,673.31 3.09% 0.71 Resource 5,695.87 0.00 5,695.87 10.53% 32,810.57 Recreation 2,739.60 762.88 3,502.48 6.48% 19,871.30 Batture 0.00 431.38 431.38 0.80% 0.00 Under Study 416.32 0.00 416.32 0.76% 539.05 Total 38,581.68 15,500.38 54,082.06 100% 56,021.37
(Ord. No. 21939, § 1, 8-6-03; Ord. No. 22199, § 3, 5-12-04; Ord. No. 22997, § 1, 2-28-07)