§ 27-147. Pretreatment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pretreatment of waste prior to discharge may be required by the director pursuant to section 27-150(a)(3), or by a permit issued pursuant to section 27-148. Pretreatment may be employed by a discharger to comply with the prohibitions and limitations set forth in section 27-146(c). In any of these or other cases where pretreatment is employed or required, the pretreatment process shall comply with the requirements of this section.


    Where pretreatment prior to discharge is required, employed or proposed, a description of the pretreatment process may be included in the permit issued to the discharger pursuant to section 27-148; and such pretreatment shall be expressly made a condition of the permit. As part of the material in support of the application for such a permit, or at any other time the director may require, the discharger using or proposing to use pretreatment shall, prior to commencement of construction, submit plans, specifications and other pertinent data or information relating to such pretreatment or flow-control facilities, for the review and approval of the director. All such plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall bear his signature and seal. Any subsequent alterations or additions to such pretreatment or flow-control facilities shall not be made without due notice to and prior approval of the director.


    Operation. If pretreatment or control of waste flows is required, such facilities shall be maintained in good working order and operated as efficiently as possible by the owner or operator at his own cost and expense, subject to the requirements of these rules and regulations and all other applicable codes, ordinances and laws.


    Dilution not acceptable. The alteration of the characteristics of a polluted wastewater to attain the limits for admission to the sanitary sewerage system by means of dilution is prohibited. The objective of an acceptable pretreatment process shall be the removal of the pollutants from the wastewater.


    Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when they are necessary for the proper handling of wastewater containing free or emulsified petroleum oil and/or grease exceeding one hundred (100) mg/l, or any combustible wastes, or other harmful ingredient. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the director of the department of inspection and code enforcement, or his duly authorized representative, and shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.


    Reports and records of operation and maintenance pretreatment certification and data accuracy shall be signed by the person responsible for the quantity and quality of the discharge to the POTW. All reports and records must be retained for a minimum of three (3) years.

(Ord. No. 18587, § 6, 9-2-92; Ord. No. 21559, 4-24-02; Ord. No. 24196, § 4, 1-25-11)