§ 27-161. Prohibitions and limitations of discharges into the storm drainage system.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Policy statement:


    The public storm drainage system exists primarily to facilitate removal of storm water runoff from public and private land surfaces. The control of discharges into the storm drainage system and thus in the receiving stream which ultimately receives storm water is manifestly in the public interest.


    No treatment of storm water is provided by the storm drainage system. Therefore, discharges into this system of any wastewater other than noncontact cooling water or storm water runoff shall be permitted only after receiving such treatment as may be necessary to bring such wastewater to acceptable levels as set by this division.


    Nothing herein is intended to conflict with the State Sanitary Code, or with the Louisiana Water Control Law (R.S. 30:1091 et seq.)


    If an NPDES or LWDPS permit is issued to a discharger, and if the provisions of the permit conflict with the provisions of this division, then the provisions of the NPDES or LWDPS permit shall take precedence.


    General prohibitions and limitations: No person shall discharge or cause or permit to be discharged to the storm drainage system any waste or wastewater containing any pollutant or other material of such character or quantity which either alone or by combination or interaction with other substances will:


    Interfere with or damage the system or its efficiency;


    Constitute a hazard to human or animal life in the storm drainage system or the stream or watercourse receiving the discharge from the storm drainage system;


    Violate any standard or effluent limitation;


    Cause the storm drainage system to violate any applicable federal or state water quality standard;


    Violate any of the specific prohibitions or limitations established by subsection (c).


    Specific prohibitions and limitations: No person shall discharge or cause or permit to be discharged to the storm drainage system any wastewater which contains any of the following:


    Oils and grease: Oils in such concentrations as to create a sheen on the surface; more than five (5) pounds per day of wax, grease or oil at a concentration of more than thirty (30) mg/l if emulsified;


    Flammable mixtures: Any flammable liquid, solid or gas;


    Noxious materials: Noxious or malodorous solids, liquids or gases which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life. In no event shall the threshold odor number of any industrial waste exceed a value of two (2), or the color (true color) of any industrial waste exceed fifty (50) color units;


    Radioactive wastes: Radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentrations that they do not comply with regulations or orders issued by the appropriate authority having control over their use or which exceed the standards of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Nuclear Energy Division, or which will or may cause damage or hazards to the system, to personnel operating the system, or to receiving waters or the biota therein;


    Solid or viscous wastes: Solid or viscous wastes which will or may obstruct the flow or otherwise interfere with the proper operation of the storm drainage system;


    Toxic substances: Any substance at concentrations considered or found to be toxic to aquatic, human or animal life. In no event shall any wastewater discharged into the system contain any substance in such concentration as has been or is declared to be toxic by the EPA pursuant to section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act;


    Incompatible wastes: Any materials which form coatings on the sides or deposits on the bottoms of the drainage system; any other material harmful to or incompatible with the drainage system;


    pH: A pH of less than five and five tenths (5.5) or greater than nine (9.0);


    Temperature: A temperature greater than one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees Fahrenheit (fifty-seven (57) degrees Celsius);


    Suspended and dissolved solids: Total dissolved solids (TDS) at a concentration greater than five thousand (5,000) mg/l; total suspended solids (TSS) at a concentration greater than fifty (50) mg/l;


    BOD and COD: BOD at a concentration greater than thirty (30) mg/l; COD at a concentration greater than two hundred fifty (250) mg/l;


    Dissolved oxygen: A dissolved oxygen concentration less than one (1) mg/l;


    Heavy metals: Any of the following elements at concentrations greater than those indicated opposite the element:

    Element mg/l
    Arsenic ..... 0.05
    Cadmium ..... 0.02
    Chromium ..... 0.10
    Copper ..... 0.5
    Iron ..... 15.0
    Lead ..... 0.10
    Mercury ..... 0.001
    Nickel ..... 0.5
    Silver ..... 0.05
    Tin ..... 1.0
    Zinc ..... 2.0



    Other elements and substances:


    Pathogenic bacteria or the indicator organisms of pathogenic bacteria in quantities greater than the densities prescribed by the EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality as the maximum limit for safe recreational contact waters;


    Cyanides or cyanogen compounds in excess of one-tenth (0.1) mg/l as CN in the discharge waste;


    Taste- or odor-producing substances in such concentrations as to effect a change in the taste or odor of the receiving stream;


    Hydrogen sulfide in excess of one (1.0) mg/l as sulfide ion;


    Phosphorus as ortho-phosphate ion in excess of twenty-five (25) mg/l;


    Inorganic nitrogen in the form of nitrite or nitrate ion not to exceed one hundred (100) mg/l; inorganic nitrogen in the form of ammonia ion not to exceed five (5) mg/l;


    Any foaming or frothing agents of a persistent nature, such as but not limited to synthetic surfactants, in such concentrations as to create foaming or frothing.


    Treatment: In any case where treatment is required pursuant to section 27-164 (a)(3) or is used to meet the requirements of this section with respect to a particular discharge, the treatment methods and system used must be approved by the director prior to the installation of any treatment facility.


    Provisional discharges: Exceptions to specific prohibitions and limitations of subsection (c) may be granted by the parish council upon recommendation of the director, provided that the following conditions and requirements are met:


    Discharges pursuant to this subsection shall be termed "provisional discharges";


    Provisional discharges shall be connected to the public sanitary sewerage system when the public sanitary sewerage system is capable of accepting the wastewater discharge. The director shall determine when the public sanitary sewerage system is capable of accepting the discharge and shall notify the discharger by certified mail. The discharger shall, within sixty (60) days from the date of notification, provide plans and an acceptable schedule for connection into the public sanitary sewerage system for the disposal of wastewater;


    Permission for a provisional discharge may be revoked at any time by the parish council when the director determines that such revocation is necessary to protect the receiving stream, or the public health and welfare, or fulfill any requirement of any applicable federal or state law or regulation;


    Any permit which allows a provisional discharge within the meaning of this subsection shall remain in effect for a period of four (4) years. Upon recommendation by the director and subject to ratification by the parish council, extensions of time may be granted upon the same terms and conditions.

(Ord. No. 17098, § 5, 12-3-86)