§ 27-196. Service for Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Consumption charges and service charges. There is hereby established a water consumption charge and a water service charge for the use of water and other services delivered and rendered by Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson for all residences, apartment houses, multiple-family dwelling units, mobile homes, public, parochial and private schools, academies and other such training institutions, all churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship, and all orphanages, and other not-for-profit, residential institutions. Base charges for water consumption and water service are dependent on the quantity of water used in gallons and the size of the water meter, respectively. Base charges will be adjusted annually beginning March 1, 2000 and thereafter every January 1st based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. The annual adjustment to these charges will equal a U.S. City Average 12 month percentage change in the All Urban Consumers—All Items Index (CPI-U) as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The actual rates for water consumption and water service in effect for any given year will be published in the Official Journal of Jefferson Parish and in the Progressive Jefferson, the publication ordinarily accompanying the water bills themselves.


    Installation costs for water meters. Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson is hereby authorized to charge actual installation costs incurred in the installation of all new and/or additional meters. Costs of installation for various size meters will be posted in the water department annually and the meter installation charge is due and payable in full at the time the application is made.


    Deposit on newly established accounts. In order to ensure payment of the common utility bill, a cash deposit on all newly established accounts is required. The cash deposit is to be held in surety of payment of all charges that appear on the department of water common utility bill. The cash deposit is to be placed by the applicant at the time application for service is made. The applicant must be eighteen (18) years or older to apply for water service in his or her name. The account of cash deposit is related to the water meter size, number of units and type of service (residence, business, etc.). The basic cash deposits required are:

    Type Deposit Meter Size
    Single Residence 5/8 by ¾ inch $75.00
    Commercial 5/8 by ¾ inch 100.00
    Residence 1 inch 100.00
    Commercial 1 inch 125.00
    Residence 2 inch 150.00
    Commercial 2 inch 300.00
    Commercial 3 inch 500.00
    Commercial 4 inch 750.00


    The above cash deposits are minimum amounts for the meter size indicated. Meters that exceed four (4) inches will require the maximum deposit of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Multiple units that are being serviced by an individual meter shall multiply the number of units times the charge for the above listed applicable meter size. The maximum deposit required regardless of number of units is five hundred dollars ($500.00). Interest earned on all deposits is factored into our public rates, helping to keep rates down, therefore, no interest is paid to customers on deposits. Likewise, the Jefferson Parish Water Department has the right to increase a deposit in order to protect itself against nonpayment.


    Fire service, sprinkler system or internal fire protection system.


    Cost of installation. All applicants for water service connections in Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson for the purpose of a sprinkler system or internal fire protection system shall pay the cost of all labor, equipment and material, plus ten (10) percent of each installation cost from the water mains to the property line of applicant.


    Meter requirement. Where fire service, sprinkler system or internal fire protection system is required by a customer, no meter will be installed, but the customer shall be required to pay for the cost of fire service installation as set forth above. No connections shall be made to the fire service lines other than the usual sprinkler system and fire hose connections. All other use of water must be metered.


    Fire service rates. The rate for fire services shall be a monthly or bi-monthly charge basis, payable in advance on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Fire service rates, private fire protection service shall be based on the size of connection as follows:

    Size of Connection:

    4 inch pipe and smaller

    6 inch pipe

    8 inch pipe

    10 inch pipe

    12 inch pipe

    14 inch pipe

    The base charge for the fire service rates will be adjusted annually beginning January 1, 2002, based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. The annual adjustment will equal a U.S. City Average twelve-month percentage change in the All Urban Consumers—All Items Index (CPI-U) as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI adjusted charges are published annually in the Official Journal of Jefferson Parish and in the Progressive Jefferson, the publication ordinarily accompanying the water bills themselves.


    Floating meters. Water meters installed on fire hydrants, known as "floating meters," will be allowed for a limited construction period for street work, paving, pile driving or any such construction use approved by the director of the water department. No floating meter will be allowed for construction work where water meter service is available from the main line. A deposit of guarantee shall be paid, with application, in accordance with the size of meter.

    Meter Size Deposit Installation Fee
    ¾ inch $150.00 $30.00
    1 inch $175.00 30.00
    2 inch $400.00 50.00



    Prerequisites for turning on water; shut off for nonpayment of bill, etc. Whenever water is turned off for nonpayment of bill or violation of any regulations that will cause water service to be shut off, said service shall not be restored until all such bills, fees and charges have been satisfied. The charge to have water service restored shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00), and an additional fifty dollars ($50.00) if it was necessary to remove the meter to effect termination. Any additional costs due to damage of parish property shall be charged to the customer.


    Application for water installation and service; payment of fees and deposits. All persons desiring water installation and service shall file a written application with the department of water. The application shall be signed by the owner of the property to be served or his duly authorized agent and shall state the purposes for which the water is to be used and all other facts and information as the department of water requires. The applicant shall agree, in writing to abide by all existing or future ordinances, regulations and rules of the department of water, and the applicant shall pay the fees and deposits as herein prescribed at the time of filing such application.


    Department of water to furnish water service pipes and connections between water mains and downstream side of the water meter. Water service pipes and connections between the water mains and the downstream side of the water meter shall be furnished and laid by the department of water to the extent herein provided.


    Laying of service pipes for water mains in streets and sidewalks. No service pipes for water mains shall be laid in the streets or sidewalks of the parish other than by the department of water, unless special permission is obtained, in writing, signed by the director of water.


    Ownership of material furnished by department of water; maintenance of mains, etc.; payment of tapping charges.


    Ownership of material. The tapping charges shall be paid for the privilege of connection with the main and shall not convey ownership in any of the material furnished by the department of water.


    Maintenance of mains. The department of water shall maintain, at its own expense, all mains, water service pipes, water connections in the streets and water service from the main to the downstream side of the water meter.


    Payment of tapping charge. The tapping charges shall be paid when application is made and the work shall not be done or allowed to be done until such charges are paid, but when once paid, no further tapping charges shall be made, except for the installation of an increased tap size on application of the owner.


    Size of taps in water mains. Taps in water mains larger than one (1) inch shall not be made, unless the demand for water, as shown by the application for service installation, shall exceed the capacity of that size. When the need for a larger size tap is indicated by the application, the proper size thereof may be designated and authorized by the department of water in writing.


    Persons except department of water employees prohibited from installing or opening curb cocks, etc. No person, except an employee of the department of water authorized to do so, shall install or open any curb cock or make any installation of any kind on any parish owned water lines.


    Extension from original premises to another prohibited; one (1) meter per three-quarter (¾) or one-inch tap. No pipe shall be extended from the original service or premises to other premises, whether owned by the same person or not. There shall not be more than one (1) meter on any three-quarter (¾) inch or one (1) inch water tap.


    Transfer of service from one (1) location to another. Applicants for transfer from one (1) location to another shall pay all indebtedness due the department of water for the premises vacated or to be vacated before the water is turned on at the premises for which the application for transfer is made.


    Water meters required for water service. All water shall be supplied through meters installed by the department of water and no application for water, to be served by the flat rate, shall be received. No crossover connection with the water main shall be allowed as a substitute for a meter.


    Inspection of premises supplied with water by department of water personnel; refusal to allow inspection. Authorized personnel of the department of water shall have free access at any reasonable hour to all parts of the premises supplied with water from the waterworks system of the parish for the purpose of examining into the uses which the water is applied, the condition of fixtures, service pipe installation and such other purposes as may be proper or appear to protect the interest of the parish. Refusal to allow inspection shall immediately be followed by a discontinuance of the water supply which shall not be restored until inspection is allowed and proper damages paid. Should it be found that the water is being used contrary to existing rules, rates and regulations, the supply shall be shut off and not restored until a proper accounting has been made and all claims paid.


    Obtaining water service by subterfuge. Water shall not be turned on or supplied to any premises, either directly or indirectly, when the occupant is in arrears at the place then occupied. This provision is intended to prevent the use of another person's name, by subterfuge, in order to obtain a water supply by a delinquent.


    Use of water service without application for same prohibited. Should any person move into premises or buildings and find the water supply turned on without having been applied for by him, he shall immediately report the fact to the department of water for attention and correction. Use of water without making proper application for same shall subject the violator to prosecution.


    Use of water by consumer limited to purpose stated in application; permit required to supply water to nonconsumer. No consumer shall use, or permit to be used, water from the parish systems, except for the purpose stated in the application, nor shall he supply water to any nonconsumer for any purpose without a written permit, which permit shall state for what purpose the water is to be used and for how long. The consumer shall not permit nonconsumers to use their hose attachments, nor leave them exposed for use by nonconsumers even though the water supply comes through a meter. A violation of this provision shall subject the offender to a discontinuance of the water supply and to penalties otherwise provided.


    Maintenance of water pipes and fixtures. Users of water shall keep their water pipes and fixtures in good repair and properly protected from freezing and breakage. When it is discovered that this rule is being violated, the water supply shall be shut off and not turned on again until satisfactory settlement and repair is made.


    Tampering with meter, meter box or stop cock, etc. Water shall be shut off for any improper use or for tampering with the meter, meter box or the stopcock or attempting to do so by any consumer or by or with his consent or cognizance. It shall be the duty of the consumer to present any infraction of this rule that may come to his knowledge, by promptly reporting same to the appropriate local law enforcement officer or department of water.


    Discontinuance of water service by customers. Customers desiring to discontinue the use of water shall give notice of same before vacating the premises named in the application. Failure to do so shall subject such consumers to the usual charge until the knowledge has reached the water department. The customer is responsible for the payment of the gross amount of bill for failure to receive bill. The customer is required to call the department of water, if they fail to receive a water bill on schedule.


    Reading of meters. The department of water shall begin reading meters of water consumers on the first day of each billing period, unless the same shall fall on Sunday or holiday, in which event, the reading of meters shall begin on the morning of the next business day of the billing period. When once the reading of meters had begun, the work thereof shall continue during each business day until completed. All meters shall be read as near as practicable in the same consecutive order each billing period.


    Estimated bills when meters are inoperative or subject to malfunction during billing period. Where meters have been found to have become inoperative or subject to malfunction during any one (1) billing period, the properly authorized employees of the department of water shall have the right to render to the consumers an estimated bill based upon the consumption charged to this account during the same billing period one (1) year previous: provided, however, that the conditions of consumption are the same for both periods of consumption. Each estimated bill shall be stamped, properly explaining that the bill has been estimated in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the billing of water, and if the consumer is dissatisfied with such an estimation, it shall be incumbent upon him to prove to the department of water, by affidavit, that his use of water during the period for which the bill was estimated, was less than the corresponding period for the year previous. Upon presentation of such satisfactory proof, the proper officials of the department shall be authorized to proceed with readjusting this bill upon any basis that they may deem equitable and just to the consumer and to the parish jointly, as for example, rendering an average bill based upon the consumption for the previous three (3) months, or rendering a bill based upon an average of the preceding month and the subsequent month.


    Meter tests. Meters shall be tested upon application of the consumer. If the meter is found to be inaccurate to the detriment of the consumer or the parish, it shall be replaced with an accurate one. If the meter is found to be within two (2) percent correct, either way, it shall be considered correct.


    Reduction or discrimination in rates or service prohibited. The water rates provided herein shall apply to all consumers alike and no employee of the department of water shall grant any reduction therein to any consumer or make any discrimination in rates or service whatsoever.


    Necessary shut off of water supply authorized; consumers responsibilities; notice to consumers. The water supply may be shut off by the department of water from the entire district at any time the necessity may arise, or the shut off may be confined to an area of smaller extent, governed by the location of the valves. When a consumer discovers that the water supply is to be shut off, he shall take necessary and reasonable precautions to avoid injury, by opening hot water faucets, quenching fires under boilers and in stoves or furnaces, shutting off gas heaters and such other action as may appear to be necessary. Employees of the department of water shall make every effort possible to notify all consumers affected by a shut-off so that necessary steps may be taken to provide a temporary water supply and the adoption of safety measures by such consumers.


    Permit required far use of fire hydrant. No person, except employees of the parish authorized to do so, shall be allowed to use the fire hydrants of the district, without a written permit signed by the department of water. When such a permit is issued, it shall state for what purpose and length of time the usage is allowed and shall be kept constantly in the possession of the person using the hydrant in order that it may be inspected by employees of the department of water.


    Persons unauthorized by department of water prohibited from turning on water supply. No person, not authorized by the department of water, shall turn on the water supply after it has been shut off by the department for nonpayment or violation of the rules and regulations of the department or for any other cause.


    Regulations pertaining to fire hydrants, etc.:


    No person other than an employee of the department of water and for the purposes of the department, or an employee of a duly constituted fire department, and for the purposes of the department, within limitations to be from time to time set and determined, or any other person bearing a permit from a properly authorized agent of the department of water, and for a specified time and purpose, shall unscrew or remove any cap from any hydrant, or open or close or tamper with any fire hydrant, or mutilate, destroy or remove any part thereof, or cause same to be done;


    No person shall introduce any foreign object into any fire hydrant, or mutilate, or destroy or remove any part thereof, or cause same to be done;


    No person shall open, close or tamper with any fire hydrant with any other tool or appliance than a special five (5) sided wrench which fits the operating nut of such hydrant, or cause same to be done;


    No person shall leave any fire hydrant open, or partly open, wasting water, unless he be an employee of the department of water, for the purpose of said department and acting under instructions of a duly authorized official of the department, or cause same to be done;


    No person other than an employee of the department of water, acting under instructions of a duly authorized official of the department shall open, close or tamper with any valve whatever, or any main street or pipe line, or corporation cocks or curb cocks, laid or operated by the department of water, or cause same to be done.


    Violations. Any person who shall knowingly, willfully or intentionally violate any of the provisions of this section, or who shall knowingly, willfully or intentionally tamper with any water meter, meter box, stopcock, pipe, main and connections or hydrants of the department of water located in the streets, sidewalks or easements of the district, without the written consent of the department of water, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


    Effective date of water rates, etc. The water rates, fees, rents and other charges herein levied, imposed and established shall be paid by all users of the system and such rates, fees, rents and other charges shall become effective on January 1, 1994, and neither the schedules herein set forth nor any subsequent schedules shall be reduced at any time unless all payments required for all funds established by Ordinance No. 8482 including any deficiencies for prior payments, have been fully made, and unless said schedule as so reduced will in each year thereafter produce sufficient revenues to meet and fulfill other requirements and covenants contained in Ordinance No. 8482; and Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson shall not permit free use of water or services supplied by the district or the parish or any department thereof or by any persons.


    Duties of director of department of water as to billing, etc., for water, etc. The director of the department of water is hereby empowered, authorized and directed to bill and collect from users of the aforesaid water and services of said district in accordance with the rates and charges herein set out, and/or published in the Official Journal of Jefferson Parish and in the Progressive Jefferson, the publication ordinarily accompanying the water bills themselves, and to prepare and administer the necessary administrative and bookkeeping procedures in connection therewith.


    [ Reserved. ]

(Code 1961, §§ 17-74—17-76.2, 17-76.4—17-76.32; Ord. No. 15911, §§ 2—4, 2-29-84; Ord. No. 17053, § I, 10-8-86; Ord. No. 18419, § 1, 12-4-91; Ord. No. 18456, § 2, 2-5-92; Ord. No. 18815, § 1, 7-28-93; Ord. No. 18946, § 1, 12-15-93; Ord. No. 19020, §§ 1—3, 3-23-94; Ord. No. 21029, § 9, 7-26-00; Ord. No. 21297, § 6, 6-6-01; Ord. No. 21439, § 9, 11-14-01; Ord. No. 22424, §§ 1, 2, 2-2-05)

Editor's note

It should be noted that section 3 of Ord. No. 23691 provides, "That the water rate shall be increased $0.60 over a 3 year period. Effective December 31, 2009 the current base charge for water consumption derived from Section 27-196(a) of the Code of Ordinances, is hereby increased by $0.20 for every 1,000 gallons of water used which exceeds the minimum usage charge, with $0.20 increases taking effect on December 31, 2010 and on December 31, 2011. Under this measure, the minimum usage charges will not change."