§ 27-209. Authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Responsibility of the director. The director of the department of inspection and code enforcement, and/or his designated agent shall inspect the plumbing in every building or premises in this parish as frequently as in his judgment may be necessary to ensure that such plumbing has been installed in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of pollution of the water supply of the parish by the plumbing. The director shall notify or cause to be notified in writing the owner or authorized agent of the owner of any such building or premises, to correct, within a reasonable time set by the director, any plumbing installed or existing contrary to or in violation of this division, and which in his judgment may therefore permit the pollution of the parish water supply, or otherwise adversely affect the public health.


    Inspection. The director, or his designated agent, shall have the right of entry into any building, during reasonable hours, for the purpose of making inspection of the plumbing systems installed in such building or premises provided that with respect to the inspection of any single-family dwelling, consent to such inspection shall first be obtained from a person of suitable age and discretion therein or in control thereof.

(Code 1961, § 17-111; Ord. No. 17175, § 1, 2-18-87)