§ 27-214. Violations and penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Notification of violation. The director or his authorized agent shall notify the owner, or authorized agent of the owner, of the building or premises in which there is found a violation of this division, of such violation. The director shall set a reasonable time for the owner to have the violation removed or corrected. Upon failure of the owner to have the defect corrected by the end of the specified time interval, the director may, if in his judgment an imminent health hazard exists, cause the water service to the building or premises to be terminated, and/or recommend such additional fines or penalties to be invoked as herein may be provided.


    Fines. The owner or authorized agent of the owner responsible for the maintenance of the plumbing systems in the building who knowingly permits a violation to remain uncorrected after the expiration of time set by the director shall be punished as provided in section 1-10. Each day of failure to comply with the requirements of the article, after the specified time provided under section 27-212(a), shall constitute a separate violation.

(Code 1961, § 17-116; Ord. No. 17175, § 6, 2-18-87)