§ 29-151. Authority of parish to do work; notices required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If the adjoining property owner fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this article and in cases where sidewalks need to be constructed or repaired under the provisions of this article, the director of the department of pubic works shall have the authority to construct or repair such sidewalks within the unincorporated areas of the parish and other areas under the department's jurisdiction; prior to the parish commencing construction or repair, the director shall notify the owner of record of the adjacent property, or his agent, in writing by certified or registered mail, that it is necessary for the property owner to construct or repair a sidewalk.


    Such written notice shall contain an estimated cost of work to be done and shall give the owner sixty (60) days in which to complete the construction or repair of the sidewalk at his own expense. Such notice shall also contain a notice to the property owner of his right to object to or request an extension of time for such work, provided such objection or request is filed in written affidavit form, duly notarized, with the director of the department of public works within thirty (30) days of the date that the notice is mailed.


    Should the property owner have no residence in the parish, or if the director of the department of public works is unable to locate the owner of the property or if the property owner has no agent or representative upon whom the notice may be served, the director shall cause notice to be published three (3) times within a thirty-day period in the official journal of the parish, which notice shall adequately describe the property affected and shall describe the extent, character and cause of the work to be done. In this event, the property owner shall have thirty (30) days from the date of the last publication to file his objection or request in affidavit form, duly notarized, with the director.


    Should the property owner fail or refuse to construct or repair the sidewalk as specified in the written notice within the sixty-day period commencing form the date of mailing of the notice, and should there be no written objection as provided for in this article, the parish may proceed to have the work done by its employees or an independent contractor and may charge against the property involved the actual cost of the work plus administrative costs and accrued legal interest, in accordance with article 2924 of the Louisiana Civil Code, from the date of completion of the work.

(Ord. No. 16613, § III, 9-25-85; Ord. No. 20561, § 1, 1-13-99)