§ 2-19. Council to be governing body of special districts; domicile.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In accordance with the provisions of Sections 2.01(A)(7) and 6.01(B) of the Charter, the parish council is hereby declared to be the governing body of those special districts which are constituted public corporations and political subdivisions and whose boundaries are wholly within the parish and the Council shall serve in a "dual capacity", both as governing authority for the Parish and as governing authority for each such special districts.


    The Jefferson Parish General Government Building, Gretna, Louisiana, is hereby designated the domicile of those special districts which are constituted public corporations and political subdivisions and whose boundaries are wholly within the parish. The parish and the special districts are separate and distinct political subdivisions of the State of Louisiana and shall not be construed or considered as one (1) and the same governmental entity, notwithstanding the council may serve as governing authority of each.


    When the council convenes it's meeting, it is convening both as the governing authority of the parish and the governing authorities of all special districts over which the council is the governing body.


    When the council, serves as officers of the governing body of a special district, it is the special district which is acting by and through its governing authority; and when the council serves as officers of the parish, exercising parish governmental powers, it is the Parish of Jefferson which is acting by and through its governing authority.


    Notwithstanding any provisions of section 2-36 or any other ordinance to the contrary relative to the order of business, when a matter on the council agenda pertains to the business or functions of a special district, it shall be presumed that the council is acting as the governing authority of such special district.

(Code 1961, §§ 1-9, 1-10; Ord. No. 23894, § 1, 9-22-10)

Editor's note

It should be noted that Ord. No. 22517, § 1, adopted June 8, 2005, provides, "Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by Chapter 8, Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (La. R.S. 33:3811 - 33:3837 inclusive), Chapters 22 and 22A, Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (La. R.S. 33:7701-7708 and 33:7711 inclusive), and Paragraph (7) of Section 2.01, Article 2 of the Jefferson Parish Home Rule Charter, a waterworks district be and is hereby created to be known and designated as "Waterworks District No. 1 of the Town of Grand Isle," which shall comprise and embrace all of that territory within the corporate limits of the Town, including the territory on which the existing waterworks system of the Town is located and any territory on which any person or entity is located that receives service from the existing waterworks system of the Town."

Cross reference

Ambulance service districts, § 5-46 et seq.; fire protection districts, § 13-36 et seq.; communications district, § 13-61 et seq.; garbage districts, § 16-26 et seq.; hospital service districts, § 17-16 et seq.; community center and playground districts, § 21-20 et seq.; civic and cultural center districts, § 21-39 et seq.; economic development districts, § 25-61 et seq.; sewerage districts, § 27-29 et seq.; drainage districts, § 27-85 et seq.; waterworks districts, § 27-192 et seq.; road light districts, § 29-34 et seq.; road districts, § 29-86 et seq.