§ 2-30.5. Selection of vice-chairman of parish council.  

Latest version.
  • A member of the parish council other than the chairman of the council shall be selected by the council as vice-chairman of the council in accordance with section 2.06(A) of the Jefferson Parish Charter at the first regular meeting of the council following inauguration of council members elected in the regular council elections held every four (4) years, and annually thereafter at the first council meeting held in March of each year which does not follow a year in which regular council elections are held.

    The vice-chairman shall serve in such capacity until his successor is chosen by the council. Should the vice-chairman of the council resign or be otherwise removed from the council, the council may select a new vice-chairman of the council as his replacement at any council meeting subsequent to the resignation or removal. The council may also appoint from amongst its members an ad hoc vice-chairman of the council to serve in said capacity at any council meeting for which the vice-chairman is absent.

(Ord. No. 17858, § 2, 11-8-89; Ord. No. 18441, § 1, 1-8-92)