§ 2-902. Purchases less than or equal to one thousand dollars.  

Latest version.
  • Purchases less than or equal to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) will require one (1) telephone quotation by the department requiring the purchase. The date, vendor's name, person contacted and the prices quoted shall become a permanent part of the transaction record. Good judgment must be exercised in choosing vendors whose past experience proves them to be generally competitive. This type of purchase should be equitably distributed with preference to the parish vendors. Under no circumstances shall there be a division or separation of any purchases or projects into smaller purchases or projects which division or separation would have the effect of avoiding the bidding requirements set forth herein or in section 2-903, section 2-904 or section 2-905.

(Code 1961, § 2-8(a)(11); Ord. No. 19136, § 1, 7-20-94; Ord. No. 20327, § 1, 4-15-98; Ord. No. 22595, § 1, 10-12-05; Ord. No. 23530, § 1, 4-15-09)