§ 2-926. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this division:

    Advisory committee or evaluation committee means the committee which is designated in this division as the committee which evaluates persons or firms submitting proposals to provide professional services for each project for which proposals must be evaluated by committee under this division.

    Architecture, engineering or surveying project means a project for which the primary contract for professional services is for architectural, engineering or surveying services.

    Campaign contribution means a gift, conveyance, payment, deposit of money and/or anything of economic value (including, but not limited to, tickets for fund-raising events) which was, is or shall be paid, loaned, granted, given, donated, transferred and/or is the forgiveness of a loan or a debt by any person for the purpose of supporting, opposing or otherwise influencing, directly or indirectly, the nomination or election of an individual elected to or seeking nomination to public office, whether or not such is made before or after the election.

    Candidate means a candidate for public office as described in Title 18 (Election Code) of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.

    Complex engineering tasks means those tasks the administration estimates to have engineering fees (exclusive of resident inspection services) exceeding three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) per project or jobs requiring special expertise, but having fees less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).

    Data processing advisory committee means the data processing advisory committee as created by and defined in section 2-875.25 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.

    Data processing project means a project for which the primary contract for professional services is for the analysis of computer hardware or software needs, the creation or selection of computer hardware or software or for the training of personnel in computer applications.

    Elected official of the Parish of Jefferson means the members of the parish council and the parish president.

    Financial evaluation committee means the financial evaluation committee as created by and defined in section 2-621, et seq., of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.

    Financial project means a project for which the primary contract for professional services is for accounting, auditing or other financial consulting services other than services as bond counsel.

    Firm representative means the person responsible for or designated for the project and/or may act as the firm owner's representative in signing any documents associated with the project.

    Immediate family means the children, brothers, sisters, parents and spouse of the elected official and the children and parents of the spouse of the elected official.

    Insurance advisory and coordinating committee means the insurance advisory and coordinating committee as created by and defined in section 2-875.4, et seq., of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.

    Insurance project means a project for which the primary contract for professional services is for obtaining or provision of insurance coverage, the evaluation of insurance coverage, the evaluation of insurance needs or requirements, or the auditing, evaluation or analysis of insurance claims or payments.

    Legal services evaluation committee means the legal services evaluation committee as created by and defined in section 2-661, et seq., of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.

    Letters of interest means a written expression of interest in response to a request issued by the parish clerk requesting acknowledgement from pre-qualified persons or firms of their interest in a specific routine engineering task.

    Outside legal services means any legal services rendered to the parish by an attorney or attorneys not employed by the office of the parish attorney.

    Person or firm means an individual, firm, partnership, association, labor union, political committee, corporation, or other legal entity, including their subsidiaries, and shall include the officers, directors and shareholders or any person owning and/or having a controlling interest therein. For the purposes of this division, "person" shall also include subcontractors, successors and assigns.

    Person or firm submitting means any person or firm interested in being considered for selection to perform professional services for the parish in connection with a particular project and who submits a questionnaire and other information as requested in the advertisement for said project.

    Principal means the sole proprietor of the firm, or one who shares an ownership interest with other persons in the firm, including but not limited to, a partner in a partnership, a shareholder in a corporation, or a member of a limited liability corporation.

    Professional services means work rendered by an independent contractor who has a professed knowledge of some department of learning or science used by its practical application to the affairs of others or in the practice of an art founded on it, which independent contractor shall include but not be limited to accountants, architects, claims adjusters, doctors, dentists, engineers, landscape architects, land surveyors, lawyers, and veterinarians. A profession is a vocation founded upon prolonged and specialized intellectual training which enables a particular service to be rendered. The work "professional" implies professed attainments in special knowledge as distinguished from mere skill. Professional services shall include consulting services rendered by ei-ther individuals or firms who possess specialized knowledge, experience, and expertise to investigate assigned problems or projects and to provide counsel, review, design, development, analysis, or advice in formulating or implementing programs or services, or improvements in programs or services, including but not limited to such areas as management, personnel, finance, accounting, planning, data processing, and advertising contracts.

    Project means the particular objective or area of concern for which statements of qualifications are being sought.

    Questionnaire means the applicable form, most recently adopted by council resolution, as required in the project advertisement which requires information about the person or firm interested in being selected to perform professional services for a particular project and information identifying the project itself. The questionnaire shall be considered to be a statement of qualifications of the person or firm submitting said document in performing the professional services required by the project. The project advertisement will identify the type of questionnaire to be used for the advertised services. The three (3) types of questionnaires are: the general professional services questionnaire, the technical evaluation committee (TEC) questionnaire and the legal services questionnaire. The general professional services questionnaire shall be used for all professional services except outside legal services and architecture, engineering, or survey projects. The technical evaluation committee (TEC) questionnaire shall be used for professional services related to architecture, engineering, or survey projects. The legal services questionnaire shall be used for outside legal services.

    Routine engineering tasks means those tasks the administration estimates to have engineering fees (exclusive of resident inspection services) less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) per project in each of the following categories; water, sewerage, drainage or streets.

    Subcontractor means one who takes a portion of a contract from a professional service provider, and includes but is not limited to any individual, firm, partnership, association, labor union, political committee, corporation, or other legal entity, including their subsidiaries; excluding any full-time employees of the professional service provider; and further excluding mediators and experts used by lawyers under a professional services contract held by the lawyer or law firm.

    Technical evaluation committee means the technical evaluation committee as created by and defined in section 2-611, et seq., of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.

(Ord. No. 18993, § 2, 2-23-94; Ord. No. 19171, §§ 7, 8, 9-7-94; Ord. No. 20355, § 2, 5-13-98; Ord. No. 21593, § 1, 6-5-02; Ord. No. 22290, § 1, 8-11-04; Ord. No. 24460, § 2, 4-17-13; Ord. No. 24997 , § 1, 8-12-15; Ord. No. 25260 , § 1, 11-2-16)