§ 2-923. Disclosure and approval of all subcontractors and persons receiving payments for all non-bid contracts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All persons or firms who are under contract awarded on a non-bid basis with Jefferson Parish or with any of its agencies, divisions or special districts or who submit responses to any request for submittals to contract on a non-bid basis with Jefferson Parish or with any of its agencies, divisions or special districts must identify all subcontractors and persons, excluding full time employees of the firm, who would assist in providing services or materials under the contract or who would share in any fees, commissions or other remuneration under the contract, unless exempt under section 2-923(e). Each such subcontractor or person shall submit all documents and information required by this section. Substitutions or subsequent addition of subcontractors or other persons to the contract must be ratified by council resolution. The person or firm under contract shall provide to the council detailed justification of the need for any such additional subcontractor or person. With each invoice submitted, the person or firm holding said non-bid contract shall acknowledge that no subcontractors or other persons have been added to the contract without prior council approval by resolution. Failure to comply with this section shall result in penalties imposed upon the person or firm under contract as set forth in section 2-935.1 for professional service providers.


    In addition, the person or firm contracting or proposing to contract with Jefferson Parish or with any of its agencies, divisions or special districts on a non-bid basis must submit prior to the ratification by the council of the contract or contract amendment:


    An affidavit attesting:


    That the affiant has not and will not employ any person either directly or indirectly to secure the public contract under which he is to receive payment, other than persons regularly employed by the affiant whose service in connection with the provision or procuring of insurance under the contract or in securing the public contract are in the regular course of their duties for the affiant; and


    That no part of the contract price was paid or will be paid to any person for soliciting the contract other than the payment of normal compensation to persons regularly employed by the affiant whose services with the project are in the regular course of their duties for the affiant; and


    An affidavit attesting to:


    Any and all campaign contributions that the affiant has made to elected officials of the parish, whether still holding office at the time of the affidavit or not, during the two-year period immediately preceding the date the affidavit is signed, listing the date and amount of each contribution made to a Jefferson Parish Council Member or Parish President; and, if any additional campaign contributions are made after the affidavit is executed, but prior to the time the council acts on the matter, an updated affidavit is required; and, for the purposes of this requirement, if the affidavit is submitted on behalf of a corporation, LLC or any other legal entity, then the affidavit must additionally report contributions made by officers, directors and owners, including employees, owning twenty-five (25) percent or more of the company; and


    The name(s) of any and all elected officials of the parish, whether still holding office at the time of the affidavit or not, who have solicited a campaign contribution or other monetary consideration by telephone or by personal contact with the person or firm contracting or proposing to contract during the two-year period immediately preceding the date the affidavit is signed, listing the approximate date of such solicitation, if known to the affiant; and, if any additional such solicitations are made after the affidavit is executed, but prior to the time the council acts on the matter, an updated affidavit is required; and, for the purposes of this requirement, if the affidavit is submitted on behalf of a corporation, LLC or any other legal entity, then the affidavit must additionally report any such solicitations of officers, directors and owners, including employees, owning twenty-five (25) percent or more of the company; and


    Any and all debts owed by the affiant to any elected or appointed official of the parish, and any and all debts owed by any elected or appointed official of the parish to the affiant; and attesting:


    That the affiant has not made any contribution to or in support of elected officials of the parish through or in the name of another person or firm either directly or indirectly.


    Any affidavit required under state law.


    For purposes of this Section, the terms "non-bid contract(s)", "contract(s) awarded on a non-bid basis" or "contract(s) on a non-bid basis" shall not include group purchasing contracts. For purposes of this section, "subcontractors" in contracts with insurance agents of record or for the provision of insurance for Jefferson Parish or for any of its agencies, divisions or special districts, including, but not limited to Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District No. 1 and Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District No. 2, shall include any person or firm who would assist in providing insurance under the contract or who would share in the commissions generated by the placement of insurance under the contract, excluding full time employees of the primary firm under contract. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, however, nothing herein shall prohibit an insurance producer of record or agent from using the services of a wholesale broker for the placement of insurance coverage without prior approval of the use of said wholesale broker by the council, provided that the name of the wholesale broker and the amount of the broker's fee is disclosed on the invoice for the placement of any insurance using the broker's services and that the risk management department provides a copy of said invoice to each member of the council within five (5) days of the department's receipt of the invoice.


    Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, submissions of subcontractor affidavits as required by this section for all non-bid contracts with Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District No. 2 which are not subject to ratification or approval by the Jefferson Parish Council under applicable regulations and procedures shall be made to the hospital board or hospital administration, respectively, or other appropriate agency which is authorized to approve the prime contract related to the proposed subcontract, and said agency shall be the proper and final authority to approve any such subcontract. In addition, for those contracts with the parish's hospital service districts which are not subject to ratification or approval by the Jefferson Parish Council, contractors shall not be required to acknowledge with the invoices submitted under such contracts that no subcontractors or other persons have been added to the contract without prior council approval by resolution.


    Pre-placed emergency contracts, as defined by section 2-917, shall be exempted from the disclosure of subcontractors required in section 2-923(a); however, a list of all subcontractors used in the performance of the pre-placed emergency contracts shall be submitted prior to payment on the contract.

(Ord. No. 23763, § 1, 3-3-10; Ord. No. 23942, § 8, 1-12-11; Ord. No. 24072, § II, 8-10-11; Ord. No. 24327, § 1, 9-19-12; Ord. No. 24522, § 2, 7-24-13; Ord. No. 25018 , § 10, 9-23-15)