§ 2-925.1. Cooperative endeavor agreements with non-governmental organizations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Jefferson Parish adopts a standard cooperative endeavor agreement document format to regulate agreements with non-governmental organization as authorized by Art. VII, Sec. 14 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974. Non-governmental organizations include, but are not limited to private entities, religious associations, non-profit organizations and 501(c)3 non-profit corporations.


    All cooperative endeavor agreements entered into between the parish and any non-governmental organization shall contain the following (which are illustrative and not exclusive):


    A detailed and specific public purpose sought to be achieved through the cooperative endeavor agreement and identification of the specific services to be provided;


    The total amount and schedule of any payments to be made. All payments made shall be without increase or mark-up. All payments shall be made based on the submission of one (1) of the following:


    Evidence of amounts actually incurred, supported by documentation to the reasonable satisfaction of the parish;


    Advance service invoices to the reasonable satisfaction of the parish. In the event of payment by the parish of advance service invoices, the non-governmental entity recipient shall provide parish affirmative proof of payment of the invoices within seven (7) days of receipt of funds from the parish;


    A detailed program budget, if the non-governmental entity is providing continuous service of over one (1) year as evidenced by the agreement. The budget shall include amounts budgeted for salaries, professional services, contracts, acquisitions, major repairs, operating services and other charges. Budgets shall be approved at least annually by the internal auditor for parish;


    The term of the agreement;


    A provision that the party to the agreement is an independent contractor and that no employment or other relationship is created;


    Provisions that the non-governmental organization shall provide periodic reports to the parish regarding the expenditure of funds under the agreement; and


    Cooperative endeavor agreements funded with federal grant monies may be exempt from the requirements of section 2-925.1 if following this section will create a conflict with the federal grant guidelines.


    [ Repealed. ]


    The standard format for a cooperative endeavor agreement with a non-governmental organization shall be in accordance with this section and the sample format, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Amendments to this standard format may be ratified and approved by resolution of the Jefferson Parish Council, and any amendments so ratified shall be incorporated into the approved standard format for cooperative endeavor agreements.

(Ord. No. 24007, § 1, 5-11-11; Ord. No. 24136, § 1, 10-12-11; Ord. No. 24601, §§ 1, 2, 10-16-13)

Editor's note

Exhibit "A" is not set out herein, but is on file and available for inspection in the offices of the parish.