§ 2-952. Ordinance authorizing sale or exchange.  

Latest version.
  • Sales or exchanges of property shall be authorized by an ordinance adopted by the council which shall indicate:


    That a determination has been made by the parish administrative staff that the property to be disposed of is no longer needed for public use;


    That an appraisal of the property has been made by competent appraisers appointed by the parish; unless an equivalent appraisal or valuation has already recently been retained by the parish or the property is deemed to be substandard property. In the latter case, the property shall be sold at a fair price without necessity of formal appraisal but in no case for less than one dollar ($1.00) per square foot.


    For purposes of this section, the property may be deemed "substandard" only if the entirety of the contiguous public property is either: (1) less than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the minimum required square footage of a buildable lot under the applicable ordinances, regulations and/or other restrictions at the location, or (2) is not legally a buildable area because it has less than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the minimum required street frontage for a buildable lot at the location under applicable ordinances, regulations and/or other restrictions.


    A minimum price shall be set forth in the ordinance; and


    In those cases involving sales or exchanges of any portion of a street, road, highway or alley, the parish attorney's office shall certify that the owner of the property adjacent to such portion of a street, road, highway or alley is not the original grantor or dedicator of such portion of the street, road, highway or alley, nor are the heirs of the original grantor or dedicator the abutting property owners.

(Code 1961, § 2-10.13(a); Ord. No. 16416, § 1, 5-8-85)