§ 2-953. Sale by public auction or by sealed bid; notice of sale; sales price; rejection of bids.  

Latest version.
  • Property shall be sold at public auction conducted by either the sheriff of the parish or a private auctioneer for cash to the highest bidder after advertisement in an official journal of the parish at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, and shall not be sold for less than the minimum price established by the parish for the sale of such property, with the right on the part of the parish to reject any or all bids. Additional newspaper or other advertising may be employed if deemed to be necessary in the public interest. In the case of property other than property originally dedicated as a street, road, highway or alley, as an alternative procedure, the sale may be made by asking for sealed bids and the property sold to the highest bidder provided that such bid exceeds the minimum price established for the sale.

(Code 1961, § 2-10.13(b))