§ 2-959. Private sale procedures.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to procedures established by other provisions of this chapter for the alienation of surplus immovable property by the parish, the following procedures are established for the private sale of parish immovable property:


    Upon a determination by the parish administrative staff that a certain parcel of parish property, not defined as substandard by the terms of this Code, is no longer needed for public purposes nor is likely to be needed for public purposes in the reasonably foreseeable future, the council may authorize the alienation of such property following an appraisal by a qualified real estate appraiser;


    Following authorization by the council, the department of general services and procurement shall advertise the proposed alienation of such property and shall solicit offers from parties interested in acquiring said surplus immovable property;


    The council may also commission a licensed state real estate broker to assist the department of general services and procurement in marketing said surplus property and soliciting offers of purchase;


    No offer to purchase will be considered that does not equal or exceed the market value established in the report of the appraiser commissioned to evaluate said property. All offers to purchase will be accompanied by a ten (10) percent down payment which may be cash or certified check. If more than one (1) offer as set out in subsection (2) of this section above is received by the real estate broker which exceeds the value as set out in the appraisal report, the highest offer will be submitted for approval to the parish council;


    An ordinance authorizing the sale and declaring the property no longer needed for public purpose shall fully describe the property including setting out the appraised value, the name of the proposed purchaser, and the amount of the highest offer received for the property and shall be submitted after compliance with the above paragraphs. All costs for any required resubdivision and surveys in connection therewith will be borne by the purchaser, at or prior to the execution of the sale;


    For the purposes of this section the term "alienation" shall include but not be limited to sale, exchange and any other type of transfer of any right, title or interest in such surplus immovable property.

(Ord. No. 17759, § 1, 6-21-89)