§ 33-10.2. Definitions applicable to this entire UDC.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this UDC, certain words and terms are hereby defined.

    Abandonment shall mean the relinquishment of property, or a cessation of the use of the property, by the owner or lessee without any intention of resuming the use of the property.

    Adequate public facilities shall mean water, wastewater, road, and drainage facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, determined to be capable of supporting and serving existing and approved development at required service levels.

    Adult use shall mean any establishment consisting of, including, or having the characteristics of any of the following: adult establishment, adult cabaret, massage parlor, or adult motion picture theater.

    Alley shall mean a way affording a secondary means of access to property abutting thereon.

    Assisted living shall mean a coordinated array of personal care health services, and other supportive services available twenty-four (24) hours per day, to residents who have been assessed to need these services. Assisted living promotes resident self-direction and participation in decisions that emphasize independence, individuality, privacy, and dignity in a residential setting.

    Assisted living facility shall mean a multi-unit residential facility providing living units and assistance for residents, who because of age, mental disability or other reason, live in a supervised environment where assistance with the daily activities of life is promised, available, accessible or managed for residents on a twenty-four-hour basis, including but not limited to, the provision of meals, activities and transportation as needed, by a provider for compensation.

    Assisted living unit shall mean a dwelling unit within an assisted living facility containing one (1) or more rooms that includes a culinary facility, bedroom(s), and bath for one (1) or more persons.

    Base of tree shall mean the area delineated by the circumference of the tree trunk at its widest point at or near ground level.

    Bed and breakfast (B&B) shall mean a manager-occupied residential structure containing less than six (6) guest rooms that is rented for overnight lodging with or without meals to one (1) or more parties of paying or non-paying transient guests, for compensation, where the length of stay per guest visit is less than thirty (30) consecutive days.

    Berm shall mean a mound of earth or manmade hill forming a raised barrier separating two (2) areas or to provide visual screening. A berm shall have a slope of not greater than the slope created by three (3) horizontal feet with one (1) foot of vertical rise, and shall be covered with grass or perennials where trees and shrubs are not planted.

    Best management practice, stormwater (LID BMP) shall mean any structural device or nonstructural practice, intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff in order to mitigate flooding, reduce pollution conveyed to receiving waters, and minimize erosion.

    Block shall mean a unit of land bounded by streets or by a combination of streets and public land, railroad right-of-way, waterways, or any other barrier to the continuity of development.

    Board and care home shall mean a facility which provides personal assistance or protective care and/or lodging and meals to not more than six (6) adults who are ambulatory and unrelated to the resident licensee, operator or administrator. Such facilities are also subject to the requirements of Chapter 11, Article III of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances. Any dwelling, building or structure used for residential overnight care facilities and/or housing or treating persons as a part of, condition of, or prerequisite for probation, parole or suspension of sentence; mental and psychiatric care facilities; halfway houses; community rehabilitation centers; juvenile rehabilitation centers; adult rehabilitation centers; drug and alcohol treatment centers; detoxification centers; detoxification houses; and similar correctional and treatment facilities shall not be considered a board and care home.

    Building shall mean any structure designed or built for the support, enclosure, shelter or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind.

    Building line shall mean the line extending parallel to a lot line that is the same distance from the lot line and the closest edge of a structure to the lot line.

    Bulk plane shall mean an imaginary plane, rising over a lot, drawn at a specified angle, and used in conjunction with yard requirements, lot size requirements, and height limits as delineated in the district regulations, to establish the maximum bulk of a structure. This definition shall not be construed to mean the solid roofing to follow the angle of the plane is encouraged. Where bulk plane is required, upper floors are set back increasingly greater distances from the street or sides of the lot, often creating "wedding cake" style architecture. The bulk plane concept is illustrated in Figure 40.3.1:


    Camp, fishing and/or hunting shall mean a building that provides facilities for fishing, hunting, or related activities, and is used as a dwelling unit or overnight lodging accommodation, but is not a primary residence.

    Canal shall mean any excavation below the surface of the earth having a width at its top of thirty-five (35) feet or more.

    Child care center shall mean a licensed private facility, nursery school, pre-school or kindergarten that provides non-medical care to children under the age of eighteen (18), in need of professional services, educational services, or assistance for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.

    Club shall mean buildings and facilities owned and operated by a corporation, association, person or persons for social, educational or recreational purpose, but not primarily for profit or to render a service which is normally carried on as a business.

    Commercial body art facility shall mean any licensed place or establishment which is operated for the purpose of physical body adornment, including but not limited to tattooing, cosmetic tattooing, body piercing, branding, and scarification. This does not include piercing an ear with a disposable, single use stud or solid needle that is applied using a mechanical device to force the needle or stud through the ear.

    Composting facility shall mean a facility where organic matter is processed by natural or mechanical means to aid the microbial decomposition of the organic matter. Composting facility as defined in this section shall not include small-scale residential composting for use by the resident.

    Comprehensive Plan shall mean a comprehensive long-range plan intended to guide the growth and development of unincorporated Jefferson Parish, and containing goals, objectives and policies for elements including, but not limited to, land use, transportation, housing, community facilities, public works, and economic development, and further described in the Code of Ordinances. The term "Comprehensive Plan" shall include the terms "master plan" and "land use plan." Within this UDC, the comprehensive plan will also be known as the "plan."

    Concept plan shall mean a conceptual plan for development, showing all contiguous property holdings, intended to guide future decisions about land use, development intensity, project phasing plans, and transportation improvements.

    Condominium shall mean a dwelling unit, townhouse or apartment that is owned in fee simple with the undivided ownership, in common with other purchasers, of the common elements in the structure and including the land and its appurtenances.

    Consistency with Comprehensive Plan shall mean complying with the letter and intent of the goals, objectives, policies, maps and strategies in the Comprehensive Plan.

    Construction plans shall mean maps and drawings accompanying a subdivision plat that show the specific location and design of public improvements to be installed in the subdivision as a condition of plat approval.

    Cul-de-sac shall mean a minor street which by design is not intended to be a through street and has but one (1) end open for vehicular traffic with the other end permanently terminated by a circular turning area for reversing the direction of vehicular traffic.

    Decision-maker shall mean the person, board, council, commission or entity responsible for final approval of a development application.

    Developer shall mean a person, firm, partnership, joint venture, associations corporation, group or organization who shall participate as owner, promoter, developer or sales agent in the planning, platting, development, promotion, sale or lease of a development.

    Development shall mean the subdivision of land or the construction, improvement, placement or expansion of a use on a parcel of land, including but not limited to, buildings, structures, excavating, filling, grading, paving, mining, dredging, or drilling operations.

    Development agreement shall mean an agreement between Jefferson Parish and developer through which the parish agrees to vest development use or intensity or refrain from interfering with subsequent phases of development through new legislation in exchange for the provision of public facilities or amenities by the developer.

    Development application shall mean any application for development required by Jefferson Parish.

    Development regulation shall mean a zoning, subdivision, floodplain ordinance, or other governmental regulation of the use and development of land.

    Diameter at breast height (dbh) shall mean the diameter measurement of the trunk of a tree taken from a point four and one-half (4½) feet above final grade.

    Diseased tree shall mean a tree that has been affected by disease or infestation so that it becomes a hazardous tree, or presents a danger of spreading the disease or infestation to other nearby trees and the only solution is removal as determined only by a licensed arborist with the concurrence of the parish arborist.

    Ditch shall mean any long and narrow excavation below the surface of the earth, dug in the roadside of a right-of-way, parallel to and alongside the lateral line of a roadway, designed to carry surface water from the roadway and the surrounding property with a width at its top of less than thirty-five (35) feet, but more than five (5) feet.

    Drip line shall mean the farthest distance away from the trunk that rain or dew will fall directly to the ground from the leaves or branches of the tree.

    Dwelling shall mean any building which is designed for or used exclusively for human habitation and other residential purposes. For the purpose of this UDC, such building shall have a minimum area of four hundred (400) square feet and the construction of which shall be subject to and governed by The Building and Related Construction Codes of Jefferson Parish.

    Dwelling, single-family shall mean a building designed for or occupied exclusively by one (1) family.

    Dwelling, two-family shall mean a building designed for or occupied exclusively by two (2) families.

    Dwelling, three-family shall mean a building designed for or occupied exclusively by three (3) families.

    Dwelling, four-family shall mean a building designed for or occupied exclusively by four (4) families.

    Dwelling, multiple-family shall mean a building designed for or occupied exclusively by five (5) or more families.

    Dwelling, townhouse shall mean a single-family dwelling forming one (1) of a group of two (2) or more attached single-family dwellings separated from one another by party walls without doors, windows or other provisions for human passage or visibility through such walls from basement or cellar.

    Engineering director shall mean the Jefferson Parish Engineering Director or the director's designee.

    Exceptions shall mean permission to depart from the design standards as specifically authorized in this UDC.

    Family shall mean one (1) or more persons living together and occupying a dwelling unit as a single housekeeping unit with complete living facilities including kitchen facilities or equipment for cooking and a room or rooms for living, sleeping, bathing and eating. A secondary culinary facility may be permitted only as provided in chapter 40, article vi, single-family residential district-R-1A of this Code.

    Fence shall mean a free-standing structure consisting of wood (rails or stakes), metal, masonry, or other similar materials designed for the purposes of fence construction, erected so as to enclose, divide, screen, or protect yards or lots and portions thereof. Low lying structures in required front yards solely used for the purpose of gardening, and not acting as a barrier between yards, when less than twelve (12) inches tall, shall not be considered a fence.

    Fence, living or hedge shall mean a group or thicket of shrubs, trees, or other vegetation, or combination thereof, erected or planted so as to enclose, divide, screen or protect yards or lots and portions thereof.

    Fence, open shall mean a fence, including any gates, constructed to admit a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent light and air.

    Fence, ornamental shall mean a decorative fence constructed of wrought or cast metal and other similar durable materials that the director of inspections and code enforcement or the planning director, as applicable, determines are substantially similar in appearance. Posts and supports shall not be greater than eighteen (18) inches in width, unless approved by the applicable director. This definition excludes barbed wire and chain link fences.

    Filling shall mean process of depositing fill in low-lying marshy or water areas to create usable land.

    Final plat shall mean map of a subdivision to be recorded after approval and any accompanying material as described in these regulations.

    Floor area:


    Commercial, business and industrial shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls, or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings but not including:


    Attic space providing less than seven (7) feet of headroom.


    Cellar space not used for retailing.


    Outside stairs or fire escapes, roof overhangs and balconies.


    Accessory water towers or cooling towers.


    Accessory off-street parking spaces.


    Accessory off-street loading area.


    Residential shall mean the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the dwelling exclusive of garages, cellars and open porches, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls of a dwelling.

    Franchise architecture shall mean a distinct building design that is trademarked or identified with a particular franchise chain or corporation, is generic or standard in nature, or utilizes elements commonly employed by a restaurant or retail franchise wherein the building itself serves as a form of identification, that serves to enhance or promote brand identity through visual recognition.

    Frontage shall mean that distance where a property line is common with a street right-of-way line.

    Game shall mean any banking or percentage games played with cards, dice or any mechanical device or machine for money, property or any representative of value. For purposes of this chapter, game shall not include pari-mutuel wagering at off-track wagering facilities, games of chance conducted by charitable organizations and facilities licensed by the parish, or video poker when occurring as an accessory use in an off-track wagering facility, a restaurant and/or bar, or a truck stop as licensed by the state of Louisiana.

    Gaming shall mean the dealing, operating, carrying on, conducting, maintaining or exposing for pay of any game.

    Gaming establishment shall mean any premises wherein or whereon gaming is done. May also be called a casino.

    Gaming device or equipment shall mean any mechanical device or machine used in connection with gaming.

    Grade shall mean the elevation of the ground at a building or building site.

    Group development shall mean a form of development or a development option which includes one or more lots located within a single block, not separated by any public right-of-way, and designated by its owner or developer as a development site to be used, developed, or built upon.

    Hardscaping shall mean the structural design elements in the yard area of a lot such as pavement, decks, fences, walls, steps, or benches.

    Hazardous tree shall mean any tree that possesses a structural defect which presents an eminent risk of the tree or part of tree falling on someone or something of value. A tree shall be determined to be hazardous only by a licensed arborist with the concurrence of the parish arborist.

    Home occupation shall mean an occupation carried out by a resident within a dwelling unit, which is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes.

    Hotel shall mean a building containing six (6) or more guest rooms where access to individual units is from interior lobbies, courts, or halls and which are used, rented, or hired for lodging or sleeping purposes by transient guests.

    Impervious area shall mean an area of a lot covered by materials that significantly reduce and prevent natural infiltration of water into the underlying soil, resulting in an increased volume and velocity of surface water runoff. These areas include but are not limited to roofs, streets, driveways, sidewalks, and any concrete, stone, brick, asphalt or compacted gravel surfaces.

    Inspection and code enforcement director shall mean the Jefferson Parish Inspection and Code Enforcement Director or the director's designee.

    Land use action shall mean site plan review, exception and modification, special permitted use, development agreement, zoning or land use text and map amendment, zoning or land use determination, subdivision, resubdivision, or certificate of use and occupancy.

    Landscape area shall mean any area planted with living groundcover, trees, shrubs, or other plant material, including mulch.

    Landscaping shall mean living plant materials collectively referred to as softscape items that include turf, seasonal color, groundcovers, vines, shrubs and trees; and nonliving materials collectively known as hardscape items that include soil, fertilizer, staking materials, mulch and edging used in combination to create landscape beds.

    Licensed arborist shall mean a person who has a current arborist license from the State of Louisiana.

    Live-work unit shall mean an attached or detached single family residential unit in which a residential unit is connected to and accessible through non-residential floor area that is associated with the residential unit. For attached residential units each non-residential unit shall have access to only one (1) residential unit. Residential space is generally located above and/or behind the non-residential space. For purposes of this ordinance, a live-work unit is not considered to be a mixed-use building.

    Lot shall mean a single plot or tract of land with fixed boundaries, legally created, occupied or intended for occupancy by a principal use or a principal building and its accessory buildings, the yard area and parking spaces required by this chapter, and having its principal frontage upon a publicly-owned street; except as provided for frontage upon a common driveway or upon a private street.

    Lot, corner shall mean a lot or parcel of land abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection or upon two (2) parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less than one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees.

    Lot, flag shall mean a lot for which access to the buildable area is provided via a narrow, private right-of-way or driveway that does not satisfy minimum lot width requirements.

    Lot, interior shall mean a lot other than a corner lot.

    Lot, through shall mean a lot having frontage upon two (2) approximately parallel streets. Also called a double frontage lot.

    Lot depth shall mean the average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.

    Lot lines shall mean the lines bounding a lot or a lot of record; the term shall include the vertical plane extension of such lines when referring to lot lines which bound a development site or which otherwise separate a lot or lot of record from adjoining development sites or adjoining public rights-of-way.

    Lot width shall mean the average horizontal distance between side lot lines.

    Lot of Record shall mean a lot which is either part of a subdivision, the map of which has been approved by the Jefferson Parish Council and subsequently recorded in the office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court after August 28, 1958, or a lot which is part of a subdivision, the map of which has been recorded in the office of the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court prior to August 28, 1958, or a parcel of land which became legally established and defined by deed or act of sale prior to August 28, 1958.

    Low impact development shall mean systems and practices that use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapotranspiration, or use of stormwater in order to protect water quality and associated aquatic habitat. This approach to site development works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible.

    Luminaire shall mean a light fixture or complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps and ballasting (when applicable) together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply.

    Major subdivision shall mean any subdivision not classified as a minor subdivision.

    Minor subdivision shall mean the minor subdivision of land as defined by state statute.

    Mixed-use building shall mean a building containing both residential and non-residential uses, where the residential or non-residential use comprises at least ten (10) percent of the floor area. For the purpose of this definition, residential uses shall include all uses with an LBCS Function Code of 1100 or 1200.

    Motel shall mean a building or group of buildings containing six (6) or more guest rooms where access to individual units is from exterior walkways or courts and which are used, rented, or hired for lodging or sleeping purposes by transient guests.

    Mural shall mean a work of graphic art painted or applied to a building wall which does not contain advertising, commercial messages, or logos. A mural shall not be considered a sign.

    Non-residential use or business shall mean an independent business requiring an occupational license that may be owned, operated and managed independently of other businesses within a building. Each business shall have separate access, though they may be connected by a common mall or hallway.

    Off-site improvements shall mean improvements made outside the boundaries of the development as a result of a development application and including, but not limited to, utility extensions, road widening and upgrading, stormwater facilities, and traffic improvements.

    Operator shall mean any person who is the proprietor of any bed and breakfast, hotel, motel, or short-term rental, whether in the capacity of owner, lessee, receiver, sub lessee, franchisee, mortgagee in possession, manager or agent of any of the aforementioned, as applicable, who offers and accepts payment for rooms, guest rooms, sleeping accommodations, or board and lodging, and retains the right of access to, and control of, the bed and breakfast, hotel, motel, or short-term rental.

    Ornamental fence shall mean a decorative fence constructed of wrought or cast metal and other similar durable materials that the director of inspections and code enforcement or the planning director, as applicable, determines are substantially similar in appearance. Posts and supports shall not be greater than eighteen (18) inches in width, unless approved by the applicable director. This definition excludes barbed wire and chain link fences.

    Outdoor storage shall mean the keeping, in an unclosed or unroofed area of a commercial or industrial development, of any goods, material or merchandise in the same place for more than twenty-four (24) hours.

    Outparcel shall mean a lot that has been subdivided from a group development site and has a separate deed or written lease agreement. It is located on the periphery of the group development site with its principal frontage facing and adjacent to the public right-of-way. An outparcel is adjacent to or partially surrounded by the group development site but functions independently of the group development site, with or without direct access to the group development site or the public right-of-way.

    Parcel shall mean a lot or tract of land described by plat, deed, or other legal instrument that allows transfer of fee simple ownership without the addition or removal of property boundary lines.

    Parish attorney shall mean the Jefferson Parish Attorney or the attorney's designee.

    Parking area shall mean an area of a lot used as an off-street parking facility, enclosed or unenclosed, including parking spaces and access drives.

    Parking lot shall mean an open hard-surfaced area used for temporary parking of motor vehicles.

    Parking, shared shall mean the use of the same off-street parking space to satisfy the minimum parking requirement for two (2) or more uses.

    Parking space shall mean a hard-surfaced area permanently reserved for the storage of one (1) automobile, connected with a street or alley by a hard-surfaced driveway providing unobstructed ingress and egress for motor vehicles.

    Parking space compact vehicles shall mean a hard-surfaced area permanently reserved for the storage of one (1) compact vehicle, connected with a street or alley by a hard-surfaced driveway providing unobstructed ingress and egress for motor vehicles.

    Place shall mean an open, unoccupied space other than a street or alley permanently reserved as the way of access to abutting property.

    Planning director shall mean the Jefferson Parish Planning Director or the director's designee.

    Plat corrections shall mean changes to dimensions, notes, servitude locations, or text that do not have the effect of increasing the number of lots or reducing lot sizes below minimum required dimensions.

    Pond shall mean a small body of standing water, naturally or artificially formed with a depth not to exceed six (6) feet in depth and having an area of less than one (1) acre.

    Portable storage unit (PSU) shall mean a transportable, prefabricated structure with no permanent foundation that is designed to store materials on site temporarily. Portable storage units include but are not limited to shipping containers, tractor trailers, and other similar repositories.

    Preliminary plat shall mean the preliminary drawing or drawings, described in these regulations, indicating the proposed manner or layout of the subdivision to be submitted for approval.

    Primary frontage shall mean the lot frontage that is located on the street with the higher classification in the parish thoroughfare plan; or if the streets have equal classification, on the street upon which the building has its primary entrance. If the building is mixed-use, the primary frontage shall mean the lot frontage that is located on the street with the nonresidential units. If the building has multiple nonresidential units on multiple frontages, the planning director shall determine the location of the primary frontage.

    Primary residence shall mean a dwelling unit where an individual resides for more than fifty (50) percent of the calendar year.

    Projector sign shall mean a sign using a projector to display content on a screen or facade of a building.

    Public facilities, or public improvements shall mean facilities, whether public or privately owned, that are intended for common use, including, but not limited to water, sewer, drainage, transportation, parks, schools, and other utilities.

    Public utilities shall mean a privately owned and operated business, franchised to use public rights-of-way and whose purpose is to systematically provide energy or power; water; transportation; data; communications; liquid, gaseous or solid commodities, or other services to the general public.

    Public works director shall mean the Jefferson Parish Public Works Director or the director's designee.

    Right-of-way shall mean the entire width of the strip or area of land between the boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of passage. The term "right-of-way" shall be construed to include the surface, overhead, and underground, regardless whether the public authority having jurisdiction acquired it by deed, dedication, servitude, lease, or prescriptive use.

    Road shall mean "street" and it encompasses the entire width between the boundary lines of the public right-of-way including medians, neutral grounds, roadways, roadsides, pedestrian islands, esplanades and sidewalks for purposes of pedestrian and bicycle travel ways; the word is synonymous with the word "highway", "street" and "right-of-way."

    Root protection zone (RPZ) shall mean the area within the tree's drip line.

    Service vehicle shall mean a car or truck that provides services for the business and shall not include vehicles used by employees to commute to and from work. Service vehicles shall exclude heavy equipment and any vehicle requiring a class A or class B driver's license to operate.

    Short-term rental (STR) shall mean a dwelling unit which provides overnight lodging to no more than one (1) party of transient guests at a time, for compensation, where the length of stay per guest visit is less than thirty (30) consecutive days.

    Stacking lane shall mean an on-site waiting lane for motorized vehicles separated from other vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation by barriers, markings, or signs.

    Story shall mean the portion of a structure, other than a basement, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor above or, if there is no floor above, then the space between such floor and ceiling above. A basement used for dwelling purposes is considered a story.

    Street shall mean the entire width between the boundary lines of the right-of-way, public way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, including roadways, bridges, causeways, tunnels, viaducts, ferries, bicycle paths, as well as any other public way or parts thereof, including medians, neutral grounds, roadways, roadsides, shoulders for the purposes of vehicular traffic, and pedestrian islands, esplanades and sidewalks for purposes of pedestrian traffic; the term shall be construed to embrace streets, avenues, boulevards, parkways, roads, roadways, thoroughfares, alleys, lanes, public servitudes and all other public ways or parts thereof, intended for vehicular, pedestrian or bicycle travel ways.

    Street classifications (in hierarchical order):


    Interstate (freeway) shall mean a federal route that is state-maintained and designated for high speed and limited access and is part of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. These corridors may also contain service roads. Access to these corridors is highly controlled. No direct property access is provided to these corridors. Their primary function is to move high volumes of traffic between cities, parishes and states with no traffic signals and grade separated interchanges. Also called an interstate highway, limited access highway, or thruway, and is identified as interstate (freeway) upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.


    Major arterial shall mean a street primarily designed to move traffic between cities or parishes. These streets have traffic signals at intersection with other arterials, collectors, driveways or local streets, and may be designated for limited access. These streets may be higher speed, provide access to the interstate highway network within cities, may run through downtown areas, and may contain service roads. On-street parking, loading and unloading of vehicles is generally to be discouraged along these streets. Identified as a major arterial upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.


    Minor arterial shall mean a street primarily designed to move traffic from neighborhoods through an area. These streets have traffic signals at intersections with other minor arterials, collectors, large driveways or local streets. These streets occasionally form boundaries for neighborhood areas. In some locations, these streets may have on-street parking, loading, or unloading areas. Identified as a minor arterial upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.


    Collector street shall mean a street which moves traffic between neighborhoods or from the core of the neighborhood to its edge. In a typical suburban area, these streets may carry some through traffic if located adjacent to a community facility (school, park, library, community center, fire station). These streets generally have no traffic signals, and may have either stop sign or signal control. Signals may be found at an intersection with a minor or major arterial. Identified as a collector street upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.


    Neighborhood collector shall mean a street which provides access to residences, public facilities such as schools, recreational centers, fire and police stations, and parks located within neighborhoods. Identified as a neighborhood collector upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.


    Local street shall mean a street constructed to established standards, as specified in the parish's subdivision regulations, and intended primarily to provide direct property access and serving local, as distinct from through, traffic, with on-street parking generally permitted. Identified as a local street upon the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan.

    Street line shall mean the line dividing a lot, tract, or parcel of land and a contiguous street. Also called a right-of-way line or boundary line of the roadway.

    Street, private shall mean every way, street, place, or strip of land in private ownership giving vehicle access from a public right-of-way to one (1) or more properties, or buildings in separate or joint ownership used for vehicular travel by the owner or owners and those having express or implied permission from the owner or owners, including but not limited to public service utility vehicles, fire fighting apparatus, police vehicles, and waste disposal vehicles; a private street is a street whose use by the public is controlled by owner or owners thereof.

    Street, public shall mean a street that is maintained by the parish or other public utility.

    Streetscape shall mean the general appearance of a block or group of blocks with respect to the structure, setbacks from public rights-of-way, open spaces, and the number and proportion of trees and other vegetation.

    Structure shall mean anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a location on the ground, or attached to something having a location on the ground, including but without the generality of the foregoing, advertising signs, billboards, back stops for tennis courts, fences and pergolas.

    Structural alteration shall mean a change in the supporting members of a structure, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams, or girders, and any substantial change in the roof or in the exterior walls.

    Subdivision shall mean the division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plots, or parcels or building sites for the purpose of sale or of building development, either immediate or future, but this section shall not be interpreted to include the division of a lot, tract or parcel into two (2) or more lots, plots, parcels or building sites for the purpose of lease or similar contract, provided the lease or rental or similar contract provisions shall not exempt the owner from the requirement of fencing the portion of property which abuts a watercourse, canal or canals. For the purposes of this UDC, subdivisions shall include resubdivisions.

    Theater shall mean an enclosed building or part of an enclosed building in which the principal use is motion picture viewing or the production of live theatrical presentations and dance, dinner theater, or live musical entertainment.

    Traffic engineering division supervisor shall mean the Jefferson Parish Traffic Engineering Supervisor or the supervisor's designee.

    Transient guest shall mean a person who resides at a place other than his usual place of residence for no more than thirty (30) consecutive days.

    Transparent shall mean that the door or window is constructed of non-reflective clear or lightly tinted glass and shall not include non-reflective opaque or darkly tinted glass.

    Truck stop shall mean a structure(s) or land used primarily for the retail sale of fuel for trucks and incidental service or repair of trucks including but not limited to: attendance eating, and truck parking facilities, but not to include the storage of vehicles for the purpose of using parts of such vehicles for sale or repair. Such a facility may include video poker gaming, but only if such a facility is on a site of at least ten (10) acres and meets the criteria listed in Article XXX, Industrial District M-1.

    Undeveloped shall mean land in its natural state before development, and the meaning of development shall not include the subdivision of land.

    Vesting, final application shall mean a term indicating the time and date a development application has met all submittal criteria as established by the planning department as stated on departmental application requirement forms. Once vested, a development application may only be evaluated on the basis of the rules, regulations, and regulatory ordinances in effect as of the vesting date, or as otherwise provided in the UDC. Vesting rights shall apply only to the application being processed, not subsequent applications on the same property.

    Wall sign shall mean a sign painted upon or affixed to the wall of a building and not extending more than twelve (12) inches from the wall.

(Ord. No. 23243, § 1, 2-13-08); Ord. No. 23881, §§ 1, 10, 9-22-10; Ord. No. 24085, § X, 8-3-11; Ord. No. 24364, § III, 11-7-12; Ord. No. 24607, § 8, 11-6-13; Ord. No. 24687, § 1, 3-19-14; Ord. No. 24989 , § X, 8-12-15; Ord. No. 25020 , § X, 10-7-15; Ord. No. 25041 , § 7, 11-4-15; Ord. No. 25231 , § 5, 10-5-16; Ord. No. 25405 , § 41, 8-9-17; Ord. No. 25411 , § 25, 8-23-17; Ord. No. 25349 , § 3, 5-3-17; Ord. No. 25480 , § 16, 1-10-18; Ord. No. 25513 , § 7, 2-21-18)