§ 33-2.7. Public hearing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose of hearing. The purpose of a public hearing is to allow the applicant and all other interested parties the opportunity to be heard, to present evidence relevant to the application, and to rebut evidence presented by others.


    Conduct of hearing. Public hearings shall be conducted in conformance with state and local laws.


    Record of proceedings. The proceedings of all public hearings shall be recorded in conformance with the provisions of state law.


    Applicant not present. Subject to established time limits, if the applicant is not present at the public hearing or if the applicant makes a request, then the BZA, OMC, PAB, or parish council may elect to take no action on the application and place the item on a future agenda.


    Granting a continuance. Subject to established time limits, the BZA, OMC, PAB or parish council may grant a continuance of proceedings to a future meeting at any time for good cause shown. All motions to grant a continuance shall state the date on which the matter is to be heard. A majority vote of those members in attendance shall be required to grant a continuance. The record shall indicate any stipulations or conditions placed upon the continuance.


    Action on applications requiring notice. The decision-maker may take any action on an application that is consistent with the notice given, including approval of the application, conditional approval of the application, or denial of the application. The decision-maker may allow amendments to the application if the effect of the amendments is to reduce the density or intensity of the original application, reduce the impact of the development, or reduce the amount of land involved from that indicated in the notice of the hearing. An amendment shall not include a greater variance than that requested on the application and placed on the notice given.


    Notice of final determination. Within ten (10) days of the final determination on the development application, the administrative director may mail written notification of the decision to the applicant, stating the action taken and including all conditions imposed and times established for satisfaction of such conditions, if any.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)