§ 33-2.21.4. Decision makers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Planning director action. Prior to the public hearing, the planning director shall submit the planning department's findings and technical recommendation related to the proposed amendment for consideration by the planning advisory board.


    Planning advisory board action. After considering public testimony and the findings and technical recommendation of the planning director, the planning advisory board may recommend adoption of the proposed amendment as presented, adoption of the amendment with modifications, or disapproval of the amendment.


    Recommendations to council. After the planning advisory board makes its recommendation, the planning director shall forward her findings and technical recommendation, the planning advisor board's recommendation, and the minutes of public testimony to the parish council.


    Parish council action.


    Upon receipt of the above referenced findings, recommendations, and testimony, the council may take official action. The council shall consider the findings, recommendations, and testimony prior to making a decision. If no findings, recommendations, and testimony are received by the council within forty-five (45) days after the date of the planning advisory board public hearing, the council may take official action upon the proposed amendment without this record.


    No amendment shall become effective unless and until:


    There has been a public hearing, and


    The council takes a final vote on the proposed amendment within one hundred and twenty-six (126) calendar days from the date of the planning advisory board public hearing. However, in the event that the deadline falls on a holiday or a meeting that has been cancelled by the council, the deadline will be extended automatically to the next regular council meeting.


    Approval criteria . In determining whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove a proposed amendment, the council shall consider the following matters:


    Whether the proposed change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan, other adopted plans and policies, or other parish regulations and guidelines.


    Whether the proposed change is consistent with the purpose and intent of this UDC.


    Whether the proposed change will benefit the public health, safety, and welfare within the Parish.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)