§ 33-2.21.6. Subsequent applications.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever a petition or application is filed requesting or proposing a change in or amendment to this ordinance and said petition of application has been finally acted upon by the council in accordance with the above procedure or when said petition or application has received no action on the part of the council within one hundred twenty-six (126) calendar days, or when said petition or application has been allotted a docket number and officially advertised for public hearing but has subsequently been withdrawn either before or after said public hearing has been held, then the council shall not consider any further petition or application requesting or proposing such change or amendments for the same property within two (2) calendar years from the date of the council's final legal action on said petition or application, or from the expiration of the aforesaid one hundred twenty-six-day period in case no action has been taken by the council, or from the date of withdrawal of said petition or application providing, however, that said petition or application has been allotted a docket number and officially advertised. A change in ownership of property or any interests therein, or the addition or deletion of property to the application which does not substantially change the request shall not override the restrictions of this paragraph. However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in cases where the council, planning director or planning advisory board wish to consider a comprehensive zoning or future land use map revision of an area of more than twenty (20) acres.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)