§ 33-2.31.2. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • Any subdivision meeting the criteria established in this section may be submitted to the planning director for ministerial review subject to the requirements of this section. plats shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements listed in the appendix of this UDC.


    The realignment or shifting of lot boundary lines including removal, addition, alignment, or shifting of interior lot boundary lines, or the designation or re-designation of lot numbers provided the application meets the following requirements:


    Does not involve the creation of any new street, right-of-way in full ownership, or other public improvement but may provide for the dedication, acceptance, relocation, or deletion of public utility servitudes granted to Jefferson Parish, other than streets.


    Does not involve more than two (2) acres of land or ten (10) lots of record.


    Does not result in the creation of a lot that is below the minimum width, depth, and area requirements of this code, except when the new width, depth, or area increases conformance with the minimum width, depth, or area requirements of this code, without creating greater deficiency in any of these requirements.


    Does not involve the creation of a subdivision with private street(s) as described in section 33-7.5 Transportation of this UDC or the creation of a private or common driveway as described in section 33-6.4 Block and lot standards (c) single-family residential lots of this UDC.


    Does not result in a lot of record that is designated with two (2) or more zoning districts, excluding overlay districts.


    Does not result in the rear lot line of the new lot adjoining the side lot line of another lot or the side lot line of the new lot adjoining the rear lot line of another lot, when the property to be subdivided is within or abutting a residential zoning district, unless the following conditions are met:


    The adjacent lot(s) is under the same ownership as the subject lot; or


    The planning director receives no letter of objection after notifying abutting property owner(s) of the application for minor subdivision. The applicant shall provide the planning department with a notarized list of the names and addresses of the abutting property owners affected by the change in lot orientation as part of the application for minor subdivision, and the costs of certified mail shall be borne by the applicant. Any objection, which must comply with the following criteria, shall result in a major subdivision application:


    Objection must be made in writing and signed by the abutting property owner(s) objecting to the minor subdivision;


    Objection must be received in the planning department office within ten (10) days of the date of postage on the letter notifying the abutting property owner(s) of the application for minor subdivision; and


    Objection to application shall be considered valid only if related to possible negative impact on neighboring properties if the minor subdivision is approved. A letter to the planning director objecting to the minor subdivision must detail the abutting property owner's concerns regarding the specific impacts that the proposed minor subdivision may have on the abutting property.


    Does not result in the creation of a through lot if the abutting lots are lots with single frontage when the property to be subdivided is within or abutting a residential zoning district.


    Otherwise meets all the requirements of the subdivision and zoning ordinances, including section 40-182 Application requirements and review procedures for planning department of Article X.5 Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District (MRTPD).


    Parcels of land where a portion has been expropriated or has been dedicated, sold, or otherwise transferred to the parish, thereby leaving a severed portion of the original property that requires a re-designation of lot numbers and establishment of new lot boundary lines.


    If any of the following conditions are met, then the application shall be reviewed as a major subdivision:


    The planning director determines that the proposed subdivision creates the need for off-site public infrastructure improvements that have not been funded by the parish or on the parish capital improvements program; and


    The planning director determines that the proposed subdivision differs substantially from the neighborhood norm (as defined in this UDC).

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)