§ 33-2.32.1. Concept plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and applicability. The concept plan is intended to ensure that proposed land uses, intensities, and street layouts are consistent with the comprehensive plan or applicable regulations. The concept plan is optional unless the applicant chooses to plat or develop contiguous land holdings in multiple phases. The concept plan is intended to provide assurance to the applicant and the parish that proposed land uses, development intensities, and street layouts are acceptable prior to or in conjunction with action on a preliminary plat. The concept plan also establishes a schedule for completion of multi-phased development.


    Application and procedures.


    The application process overview is shown in Figure 33-2.32.1-1.


    The application, with all materials and information required in the appendix of this UDC, shall be filed with the planning director, who shall review the application for completeness and forward the application to the LURTC for findings and recommendations.


    The application for concept plan approval may be filed, processed, and heard concurrently with the preliminary plat for all or a portion of the land shown within the concept plan. If the entire concept plan area is included in the preliminary plat, then the concept plan and preliminary plat shall be approved through the same ordinance. If the preliminary plat includes only a portion of the concept plan area, then the concept plan shall be approved by resolution and the preliminary plan shall be approved by ordinance.


    Notice shall be mailed, published, and posted in conformance with common procedures of this UDC.


    The planning director shall incorporate the LURTC findings and recommendations with that of staff and forward one recommendation to the PAB, which shall conduct a public hearing. The planning director shall forward his findings and recommendations and those of the PAB to the parish council.


    Parish council shall, after considering the findings and recommendations of the PAB and planning director, approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application by resolution.

    Figure 33-2.32.1-1: Concept Plan Review Process.



    Review criteria . The following criteria shall be considered when reviewing the concept plan:


    Consistency with the comprehensive plan and other applicable planning documents;


    Consistency with existing or proposed zoning of the property;


    Existing or proposed availability of adequate facilities and services;


    Suitability of the site for the proposed development;


    Compatibility of the proposed development with the neighborhood norm (as defined in this UDC); and


    Compatibility of development with existing and planned land use patterns.


    Approval .


    Unless specifically stated in the resolution of the parish council, approval of the concept plan shall constitute consent to proceed with the subdivision process subject to the conditions of approval, which should address the mix and intensity of proposed land uses, the general street layout, general drainage patterns, and the phasing of development shown within the concept plan.


    Unless specifically stated in the resolution of the parish council, the concept plan approval shall lapse two (2) years after approval by the parish council if the applicant has not recorded a plat for the first phase of development, or, at any time during the two (2) year period, when development lags one (1) year behind the approved phasing plan.


    Prior to lapse of approval, the applicant may file a written request with the planning director to make adjustments to the phasing plan, which shall be reviewed by the LURTC and acted on by resolution of the parish council. The parish council may direct the PAB to conduct a public hearing when changes to the phasing plan will affect property owners other than the applicant.


    Re-approval of a lapsed concept plan shall follow the same procedure as the initial approval of a concept plan.


    Adjustments to the concept plan may be authorized concurrently with subsequent preliminary plat submittals.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)