§ 33-2.32.3. Construction plans.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and applicability. Construction plans document the design, location, materials and construction standards to be followed when making public improvements required to serve new development. Construction plan approval shall be required prior to approval of any final plat requiring construction or modification of water, sewer, stormwater or street improvements.


    Plan submittal and tracking. The applicant shall submit construction plans, prepared in conformance with the requirements listed in the appendix of this UDC, to the public works director. The plans shall, at a minimum, include complete plans and specifications for all servitudes, streets, traffic control devices, street lights, street signs, sanitary sewers, storm water facilities, water system facilities, and sidewalks to be provided to each lot within the subdivision together with other improvements required by these regulations. The status of construction plans and subsequent public improvements shall be recorded in the LURTC tracking system.


    Public agency reviews. The public works director shall review and act on all construction plans within twenty-two (22) days of submittal of a complete set of plans. The public works director shall review and act upon up to two (2) amended submittals within fifteen (15) days for each amended submittal. If a third amended submittal is required, it shall be treated as a new application for construction plan approval. Prior to approving the construction plans, the public works director shall forward the plans to applicable local reviewing agencies and public utility companies that will service the subdivision and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development if the subdivision abuts or requires a road connection to any state route. The public works director, after written notice to the applicant, may seek consultation in the review of plans and the applicant shall pay the costs of such consultations.


    Construction plan requirements. All improvements required pursuant to these regulations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the design standards and plan requirements of these regulations, the standards and specifications of the parish and, where applicable, the requirements and authorization of the appropriate state agency, utility company, or local franchisee.


    Approval. Following agency and utility approvals, the public works director shall review the plans and specifications for minimum improvements and shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the construction plans, and record the action in the LURTC tracking system. The public works director shall determine whether the construction plans and specifications comply with the adopted standards and procedures for subdivision improvements, and shall determine the amount of bond or other instrument of financial guarantee, if required.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)