§ 33-2.32.5. Inspection and acceptance of improvements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Guarantees required. Prior to recording a final plat approval, the applicant shall complete all required public improvements shown in the construction plans to the satisfaction of the public works director or enter into a development agreement guaranteeing the completion of required public improvements.


    Construction of improvements.


    Timing. Construction may begin after the applicant has received construction plan approval from the public works director and secured all required permits and other approvals.


    Filing of plans. Approved construction plans shall be retained in the office of the public works director.


    Survey monuments. All subdivision boundary corners shall be marked with survey monuments in conformance with the requirements in state law. If survey monuments are removed during construction, a registered land surveyor shall replace them before the final plat is approved and/or before the parish accepts improvements.


    Guarantees. Prior to initiating construction, the applicant shall submit financial guarantees, approved by the parish attorney, in the amount of one-hundred ten percent (110%) percent of the public improvement costs. This guarantee may be released in phases, or in whole upon certification by the public works director that improvements have been inspected and found to comply with approved construction plans.


    Modification of construction plans. Installation of improvements and construction shall conform to the approved construction plans. If the applicant makes minor modifications in design and/or specifications during construction, such changes shall be made at the applicant's own risk, unless approved in writing prior to construction. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the public works director in advance of any changes to be made to the approved plans. After completion of construction, the applicant shall submit to the public works director "as-built" plans prepared by a registered professional engineer with a statement by the engineer to the effect that the installed improvements conform to the approved construction plans with any exceptions noted. When the applicant deviates from the construction plans, the parish may take such other actions as may be deemed appropriate including, but not limited to, revocation of construction plan approval and/or permits already issued and/or withholding of future approvals and permits.


    Inspection required. All improvements required by this UDC shall be inspected by the public works director, except for improvements made under the jurisdiction of other public agencies or by an independent engineer as authorized in a written agreement with the parish. In these cases, engineers or inspectors of such agency will make the necessary inspections. Where inspections are made by other agencies, the applicant shall provide the parish with written reports of each final inspection.


    Inspection schedule. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the public works director in writing of the commencement of construction of improvements forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. Inspections shall be required at each of the following stages of construction or as otherwise determined through an owner contract or development agreement:


    Site grading/erosion control completion.


    Start and completion of each phase of underground utility construction, including, but not limited to, all underground water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities.


    Subgrade preparation prior to aggregate base installation.


    Aggregate base compaction.


    Concrete curb and gutter installation.


    Prior to paving streets.


    Upon completion of each improvement.


    Compliance with standards . The applicant and the bonded construction contractor shall bear full and final responsibility for the installation and construction of all required improvements according to the provisions of these regulations and the standards and specifications of other public agencies.




    Approval of the installation and construction of improvements by the public works director shall not constitute acceptance by the Parish of the improvement for dedication purposes.


    The parish shall not have any responsibility with respect to any street or other improvement, notwithstanding the use of the same by the public, unless the street or other improvements have been accepted by resolution of the parish council upon recommendation of the public works director.


    The parish shall not accept any improvements without the provision by the developer of a one (1) year warranty with surety equivalent to fifteen (15) percent of the total cost of improvements to ensure that any failures occurring within the warranty period will be properly repaired. This warranty shall be in a form approved by the parish attorney.


    Site clean-up. The applicant shall be responsible for removal of all equipment, material, and general construction debris from the subdivision and from any lot, street, public way or property therein or adjacent thereto. Dumping of such debris into sewers, onto adjacent property, or onto other land in the parish, other than an approved landfill, is prohibited.


    Failure to complete improvements. If a development agreement has been executed and security has been posted and required public improvements are not installed pursuant to the terms of the agreement, the parish may:


    Declare the development to be in default and require that all public improvements be installed within six (6) months, regardless of the extent of completion of the development at the time the agreement is declared to be in default;


    Accept the applicant's vacation of the recorded plat;


    Obtain funds pursuant to the surety and complete the public improvements by itself or through a third party;


    Assign its right to receive funds pursuant to the surety in whole or in part to any third party, including a subsequent owner of the subdivision or addition for whom the public improvements were not constructed, in exchange for the subsequent development agreement ensuring the completion of the required public improvements; and/or


    Exercise any other rights available under the law.


    Release of construction surety upon completion of public improvements. Upon a satisfactory inspection of public improvements and acceptance by the public works director, the parish council shall adopt a resolution accepting improvements and releasing the surety in the affected subdivision plat. The surety for construction shall not be released until the parish has accepted a warranty for maintenance of improvements. Upon written request of the applicant, the Jefferson Parish Council Clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the applicant and the company providing the guarantees.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § II, 8-12-15)