§ 33-3.4.1. Interpretation in general.  

Latest version.
  • The use of land, buildings, and structures is regulated in accordance with the following matrices, and subject to the standards and regulations within this Code:


    The Master Use Matrix (Table 33-3.4.4-1) lists all uses that are permitted or prohibited in any of the zoning districts in this UDC. A function and structure code of the Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) of the American Planning Association (APA) corresponds to each use and shall be used to define each use (Table 33-3.4.1-1). The function code refers to the economic function or type of establishment. The structure code refers to the type of structure or building. In the zoning district use matrices, the structure code is sometimes provided to augment the function with a structural or building characteristic.


    Zoning district use matrices each list all of the uses in the Master Use Matrix and identify whether each use is permitted by-right, permitted with supplemental use regulations, permitted with the approval of a conditional use permit, or prohibited. The zoning district use matrices are as follows:


    Section 33-3.10, Residential Zoning Districts Use Matrix.


    Section 33-3.25, Commercial Zoning Districts Use Matrix.


    Section 33-3.40, Industrial Zoning Districts Use Matrix.


    Section 33-3.50, Mixed-use Base Zoning Districts Use Matrix.

    Table 33-3.4.1-1. LBCS Level 1 Classifications

    LBCS Function Classification (Level 1) LBCS Structure Classification (Level 1) Code
    Residence or Accommodation Functions Residential Buildings 1000
    General Sales or Services Commercial Buildings and Other Specialized Structures 2000
    Manufacturing Public Assembly Structures 3000
    Transportation, Communication, Information, and Utilities Institutional or Community Facilities 4000
    Arts, Entertainment, Recreation Transportation-related Facility 5000
    education, Public Administration, Health Care Utility and Other Nonbuilding Structures 6000
    Construction Specialized Military Structures 7000
    Mining & Extraction Sheds, Farm Buildings, or Agricultural Facilities 8000
    Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Subsurface or No Structure 9000


(Ord. No. 25411 , § 2, 8-23-17)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 25411 , § 2, adopted Aug. 23, 2017, repealed the former § 33-3.4.1, and enacted a new § 33-3.4.1 as set out herein. The former § 33-3.4.1 pertained to interpretation and derived from Ord. No. 24989, § III, adopted Aug. 12, 2015.