§ 33-5.3.16. Self-storage (LBCS Function Code 2660).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The use or storage of flammable, combustible, or hazardous materials, as classified in Chapter 13 Fire Prevention and Protection; Emergency Services and Communication; and Hazardous Materials of this Code, is prohibited.


    No business or activity other than self-storage shall be conducted from any self-storage unit in the facility.


    Where allowed, outdoor storage shall comply with the following standards:


    Section 33-6.25. Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening shall apply to the outdoor storage area(s) where it abuts or faces the following residential zoning districts: Suburban District (S-1), Single-Family Residential District (R-1A), Suburban Residential District (R-1B), Rural Residential District (R-1C), Rural Residential District (R-1D), Manufactured Home District (R-1MH), Two-Family Residential District (R-2), Three- and Four-Family Residential District (RR-3), Townhouses (R-1TH), Condominiums (R1-CO), Core District-Residential (CDR), and Multiple-Family Residential (R-3); specifically:


    Where abutting residential, shall be buffered and screened in accordance with section 33-6.25(c), Property Buffer, and section 33-6.25.5(e), Screening.


    Where across the street from and facing residential, shall be screened in accordance with section 33-6.25.5(b) Streetscape.


    The unenclosed or unsheltered storage or keeping of any stripped, wrecked, partially dismantled, or otherwise non-operating vehicles, machinery, implements, equipment, building materials, or personal property of any kind, which is no longer in good operating condition or safely usable for the purposes for which it was manufactured, is prohibited, pursuant to Article III Trash, vegetation and property maintenance in Chapter 19 Nuisances of this Code.


    The following additional standards shall apply in the BC-2, FC-3, and U-1S districts:


    Purpose. It is the intent of these standards to promote design practices that blend self-storage facilities more effectively into the community and support the purpose and character of the zoning district.


    Ground floor general sales or service uses required. One (1) or more general sales or service use(s) shall be provided on the ground floor of the self-storage building, subject to the following standards:


    Minimum area . At least twenty-five (25) percent of the ground floor of the building shall be designed for the purpose of and occupied by the required general sales or service use.


    Building Façade. The required general sales or service use shall occupy usable space along the:


    Façade of the building parallel to the primary frontage for a minimum distance of:


    Fifty (50) percent of said building façade in the BC-2 and U-1S;


    Seventy-five (75) percent of said building façade in the FC-3; and


    Corner side façade, to wrap the corner, for corner lots.


    For the purpose of this subsection, general sales or service uses shall include any LBCS Function Code 2000 use allowed in the base zoning district, which may be associated with the self-storage facility but shall not include self-storage units, and except the following uses:


    Automobile sales (LBCS Function Code 2110)


    Car washes (LBCS Function Code 2119)


    Filling and service stations (LBCS Function Code 2116)


    Garages (LBCS Function Code 2117);or


    Parking lots and parking garages (LBCS Function Code 2641 and 2642).


    Ground floor access.


    A self-storage facility shall have a pedestrian-accessible entrance foyer on the ground floor of the building with at least one (1) customer entrance door facing the abutting street, and coordinated with customer entrance door(s) for other ground floor use(s).


    Each self-storage unit shall be accessed only from the interior of the building.


    Minimum height. Any new self-storage facility or addition to an existing self-storage facility shall be two (2) or more stories.


    Building design. Section 33-6.8.3. Multiple-Family, Commercial, Industrial, and Civic buildings shall apply.


    Site design. Section 33-6.9.3. Multiple-Family, Commercial, Industrial, and Civic sites shall apply.


    Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage is prohibited.


    Landscaping, buffering, and screening. Section 33-6.25. Landscaping, buffering, and screening shall apply.


    Site plan review. Site plan review is required in accordance with section 33-2.25. Site plan of this UDC. Site plan review is not required for:


    Interior renovations;


    Any routine exterior maintenance as determined by the department of inspection and code enforcement, including excavation, filling, or grading; or


    Sign permits for signs, except monument or freestanding directional signs, meeting all requirements of the applicable base zoning district.


    Renovations and additions.


    Exterior renovations of buildings or structures, or alterations to the extent of existing parking or landscaping areas, shall result in greater compliance with the development standards for the portion of the building, structure, or site area that is proposed to be renovated or altered, to the maximum extent practicable given the type and extent of the renovation or alteration, and the constraints of the site, as determined by the Planning Director after considering LURTC comments.


    For additions to existing buildings or structures, the addition shall fully comply with these regulations.


    Ministerial exceptions. The planning director is authorized to approve the following ministerial exceptions in accordance with section 33-2.27.


    The building façade frontage of required ground floor general sales or service uses in consideration of existing site conditions, including unusual building or lot configuration, to the minimum needed to create usable space.


    Openings for buildings elevated to meet or exceed base flood elevation (BFE) by the minimum needed to accommodate BFE.


    For buildings located on a site with frontage on more than two (2) streets, openings for one (1) of the facades that fronts a street that is not the primary frontage, by up to fifty (50) percent.


    Self-storage unit access on the ground floor from the exterior of the building if the self-storage unit doors are not visible from the street.

(Ord. No. 25562 , § 4, 4-25-18)