§ 33-6.25.7. Site design and grading.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Grading. If substantial sanitary fill or a retaining wall is needed to meet the lot grade requirements of section 8-3-111, Lot grade rules and regulations, in Division 2, Zoning restrictions, Article I, General, of Chapter 8. Buildings and building regulations of this Code, the planning director may require the applicant to submit a certified grading plan in lieu of spot elevations and drainage information only, to ensure that the overall site design, specific location of greenspace and other areas, and placement of plant material are feasible. The grading plan, as certified by a Louisiana registered civil engineer or land surveyor, shall supplement the grade certificate required in section 14-5.1, General standards, Article V, (14.5) Provisions for flood hazard reduction, of Chapter 14, Flood damage prevention ordinance, of this Code.


    Existing development. Where a base or overlay zoning district requires existing development to meet requirements to the maximum extent practicable, impervious surface not needed to satisfy requirements for off-street parking, drive aisles or driveways, loading and service areas, or pedestrian circulation shall be removed and replaced with landscaping to satisfy some or all of the landscaping requirements of this section. The planning director shall determine the extent of surface removal and type of landscaping needed to meet this requirement subject to site conditions and site plan requirements.

(Ord. No. 25405 , § 35, 8-9-17)