§ 33-6.27.8. Tree protection plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A tree protection plan shall include the following minimum information, described in notes and shown in graphics:


    The location of the base and RPZ of all protected trees whose RPZ is located, wholly or partially, within a protected area.


    Location of all tree protection fencing, noted with the height and material of the fence to be used.


    The following note: "Within any and all tree protection fencing, there shall be no parking of vehicles or equipment; storage of building materials; mixing or dumping of building materials, chemicals, or paints; and, no rinsing of tools or equipment."


    The location of the driveway for access by contractor vehicles and equipment, with a note that "This shall be the only access route in and out of the property for contractor vehicles and equipment."


    A tree protection plan may include the following information, described in notes and shown in graphics, as appropriate:


    The location of any proposed trenching, digging, or excavation with a note indicating the depth of such excavation and the method to be used.


    The location of any proposed directional boring with a note indicating the depth of such boring.


    The location of any proposed soil fill with a note indicating the depth of such soil fill and the material to be used.


    The location of any proposed hardscaping or other disturbance within the RPZ, with a note indicating materials and installation methods.


    The location of any proposed landscape bed plantings within the RPZ, with a note that "These plantings shall be installed by hand; no roto tiller or other mechanical devices are permitted to be used in this area."


    A note indicating the steps to be taken to protect any tree that is not required to be protected.


    Where a tree protection plan is required, the following shall apply:


    The applicant shall provide an affidavit signed by the property owner agreeing that no construction activity shall commence until all tree protection measures are in place in accordance with the approved tree protection plan. Commencement of construction activity without the approved tree protection measures in place is a violation of this section and subject to the penalties of this section.


    Removal of tree protection measures.


    Removal of the tree protection measures shall occur when the construction activity is complete and the department of inspection and code enforcement has issued the certificate of completeness.


    If a property owner wants to begin landscaping his or her property prior to the issuance of the certificate of completeness, he or she may submit a written request to the planning department or parkways department for an inspection of the site by the parish landscape architect or parish arborist, as applicable. The parish landscape architect or parish arborist may authorize the removal of the tree protection measures prior to the issuance of a certificate of completeness if it is his or her determination that the remaining construction activities will not have a negative impact upon the protected trees. The parish landscape architect or parish arborist shall provide notification to the property owner and the department of inspection and code enforcement that authorization has been given or denied for the removal of the tree protection measures.


    At any time after the issuance of development approval, in accordance with this section, the parish landscape architect or parish arborist may recommend to the department of inspection and code enforcement that a "stop work order" be issued or a permit revoked and a violation citation issued to protect trees.

(Ord. No. 25405 , § 37, 8-9-17)