§ 33-6.27.9. Tree replacement.  

Latest version.
  • Where replacement of a protected tree is required, the following shall apply:


    Each protected tree that is to be replaced shall be replaced on-site with a tree of the same or similar species with a minimum trunk size of two and one-half (2½) inch caliper. Trees determined by a licensed arborist to be hazardous or diseased may be replaced on a one to one (1:1) ratio, only if that determination is corroborated by the parish arborist. In all cases, the parish arborist's determination of the health of a tree shall prevail. A replacement tree shall also be:


    A nursery-grown certified tree;


    Marked with a durable label indicating genus, species, and variety; and


    Satisfying the standards established for nursery stock and installation thereof, set forth by the American Association of Nurseryman.


    Replacement of protected trees shall be in accordance with the following timelines:


    For protected trees removed after approved for removal in accordance with this section, replacement shall occur within one (1) calendar year of the date of the issuance of the approval for the removal, unless the property owner has applied for a building permit within the year, in which case the trees shall be replaced before the issuance of the certificate of completeness by the inspection and code enforcement department after inspection and certification by the parish landscape architect or parish arborist that installation is complete and in compliance with this section.


    For protected trees that must be replaced as a result of construction-related damage, replacement shall occur as soon as practicable given growing conditions, as determined by the parish arborist or parish landscape architect, as applicable, but in no case shall replacement be later than one (1) calendar year after the protected tree was removed.


    Replacement trees shall be in addition to all other landscaping requirements for the site, unless the parish has approved credit toward minimum requirements for the replacement trees.


    In lieu of replacement trees on the project site, the property owner may provide the monetary value of the required replacement tree(s), as determined by the parish landscape architect or parish arborist. This value shall be established based upon the current market value for local nursery stock. The money shall be placed in a special parish fund dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on Jefferson Parish public property.

(Ord. No. 25405 , § 37, 8-9-17)