§ 33-6.35.4. Off-site parking.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. Where permitted, required parking may be provided, in whole or in part, on an off-site parking facility in accordance with the requirements of this section.


    Districts where permitted. Off-site parking spaces shall:


    Be located within a district which would permit the use to which such parking is accessory; and


    Not be permitted in the following zoning districts: S-1 Suburban, R-1D Rural Residential, R-1C Rural Residential, R-1B Suburban Residential, R-1A Single-Family Residential, R-1MH Manufactured Home, R-2 Two-Family Residential, RR-3 Three- and Four-Family Residential, R-3 Multiple-Family Residential, R-1TH Townhouses, or R-1CO Condominium.


    Proximity and access.


    Off-site parking facilities shall meet the requirements of Table 33-6.35.4-1. If required by Table 33-6.35.4-1, the following standards shall apply:




    For non-residential uses in residential districts, the zoning classification of the off-site parking shall be the same as or less restrictive than the zoning classification of the principal use.


    For other uses and districts, the off-site parking shall be located within a district which would permit the use to which such parking is accessory.


    Distance. The maximum distance between the principal use and the off-site parking facility shall be measured along and following a reasonable and safe walking route from the nearest main entrance of the building or use to the off-site parking area.




    For non-residential uses in non-residential districts, the off-site parking shall not be separated from the principal use by a street, utility right-of-way, or public right-of-way.


    For other uses and districts, the off-site parking may be separated from the principal use by a public right-of-way, except roads classified on the Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan as interstates, freeways, or major arterials.


    Frontage. Frontage of the property to be used for off-site parking must face a street that also provides frontage to the property it serves.


    Access. Access to the property to be used for off-site parking shall be provided only through non-residentially zoned property.


    A continuous sidewalk or path system between the principal use and the off-site parking area shall be in place.

    Table 33-6.35.4-1: Proximity and Access—Off-Site Parking

    District/Use Zoning Distance (feet), maximum Right-of-Way Frontage Access
    Residential/Non-residential 300
    Non-residential/Non-residential 300
    Fat City/All 600



    Cooperative parking agreements. Off-site parking utilized to meet the minimum parking requirements of this Code shall be subject to the provisions of section 33-6.35.7, Cooperative parking agreements.

(Ord. No. 25411 , § 23, 8-23-17)