§ 33-7.5.1. Streets, generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Full capacity. All development shall be provided with safe and adequate access via street or driveway, designed in accordance with appropriate parish and state requirements to accommodate development at maximum planned densities unless the applicant restricts future subdivision through deed restrictions. Street systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this Section.


    Required level of service. No development shall be approved if such development, at full occupancy, will result in an increase of traffic on a street above adopted standards. The applicant may propose and construct approved traffic mitigation measures to provide adequate roadway capacity for the proposed development. The applicant may be required by the parish to submit a traffic impact analysis (TIA), as applicable.


    Conformance to existing plans. Arterials and collector streets shall follow routes consistent with those established in the comprehensive plan, Jefferson Parish Thoroughfare Plan and other adopted parish plans.


    Commercial and industrial developments. In commercial and industrial developments, the streets and other accessways shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, location of rail facilities, and the provision of alleys, truck loading and maneuvering areas, and sidewalks and parking areas to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of traffic, including pedestrian.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § VII, 8-12-15)