§ 33-7.5.9. Other improvements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Sidewalks and pedestrian paths standards :


    Required. Sidewalks or pedestrian paths shall be required along all parish streets.


    Design. Walkways shall be designed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, provided that the council may approve a different standard for walkways across private property.


    Location. All required walkways shall be located within a dedicated right-of-way or access servitude. A median strip of grass or landscaped area at least three (3) feet wide shall separate all sidewalks from adjacent curbs unless approved by the public works director.


    Servitudes. Sidewalk and path servitudes shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width if adjacent to a public street or land. The minimum width of the sidewalk/path servitude between the rear or side lot lines of a parcel shall be fifteen (15) feet, unless approved otherwise by the parish council.


    Street signs . All streets, including private streets, shall be identified with street signs properly named. The applicant shall deposit with the local government at the time of final subdivision approval the set fee for each street sign required by the public works director. The Parish shall install all street signs before issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any residence on the streets approved. Street name signs shall be placed at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision, the type and location of which shall be approved by the public works director.


    Street lighting . Installation of street lights shall be required in accordance with design and specification standards approved by the public works director.


    Utilities :


    Location . All utility facilities including, but not limited to, gas, electric power, telephone and CATV cables shall be located underground throughout the subdivision. All utility facilities existing and proposed throughout the subdivision shall be shown on the preliminary plat.


    Servitudes . Servitude widths shall be established between the subdivider and the applicable utility companies for the establishment of utility servitudes established in adjoining properties.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § VII, 8-12-15)